首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management >Injection device-related risk management toward safe administration of medications: experience in a university teaching hospital in The People’s Republic of China

Injection device-related risk management toward safe administration of medications: experience in a university teaching hospital in The People’s Republic of China




The use of injection devices to administer intravenous or subcutaneous medications is common practice throughout a variety of health care settings. Studies suggest that one-half of all harmful medication errors originate during drug administration; of those errors, about two-thirds involve injectables. Therefore, injection device management is pivotal to safe administration of medications. In this article, the authors summarize the relevant experiences by retrospective analysis of injection device-related near misses and adverse events in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, People’s Republic of China. Injection device-related near misses and adverse events comprised the following: 1) improper selection of needle diameter for subcutaneous injection, material of infusion sets, and pore size of in-line filter; 2) complications associated with vascular access; 3) incidents induced by absence of efficient electronic pump management and infusion tube management; and 4) liquid leakage of chemotherapeutic infusion around the syringe needle. Safe injection drug use was enhanced by multidisciplinary collaboration, especially among pharmacists and nurses; drafting of clinical pathways in selection of vascular access; application of approaches such as root cause analysis using a fishbone diagram; plan–do–check–act and quality control circle; and construction of a culture of spontaneous reporting of near misses and adverse events. Pharmacists must be professional in regards to medication management and use. The depth, breadth, and efficiency of cooperation between nurses and pharmacists are pivotal to injection safety.
机译:在各种卫生保健机构中,通常使用注射装置来给药静脉内或皮下药物。研究表明,所有有害用药错误的一半是在药物管理期间产生的;在这些错误中,约有三分之二涉及注射剂。因此,注射装置管理对于药物的安全管理至关重要。在本文中,作者通过回顾分析在浙江大学附属第二医院,浙江大学医学院的注射设备相关的未命中和不良事件,总结了相关经验。与注射装置有关的未命中和不良事件包括:1)皮下注射的针头直径选择不当,输液器的材料和在线过滤器的孔径不正确; 2)与血管通路有关的并发症; 3)因缺乏有效的电子泵管理和输液管管理而引起的事故; 4)注射针周围的化学疗法输液漏液。多学科合作,尤其是在药剂师和护士之间,加强了安全注射药物的使用;起草选择血管通路的临床途径;应用诸如使用鱼骨图的根本原因分析之类的方法;计划-检查-行动和质量控制圈;自发报告未遂事件和不良事件的文化。药剂师在药物管理和使用方面必须是专业的。护士和药剂师之间合作的深度,广度和效率对于注射安全至关重要。



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