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An Electricity Price-Aware Open-Source Smart Socket for the Internet of Energy




The Internet of Energy (IoE) represents a novel paradigm where electrical power systems work cooperatively with smart devices to increase the visibility of energy consumption and create safer, cleaner and sustainable energy systems. The implementation of IoE services involves the use of multiple components, like embedded systems, power electronics or sensors, which are an essential part of the infrastructure dedicated to the generation and distribution energy and the one required by the final consumer. This article focuses on the latter and presents a smart socket system that collects the information about energy price and makes use of sensors and actuators to optimize home energy consumption according to the user preferences. Specifically, this article provides three main novel contributions. First, what to our knowledge is the first hardware prototype that manages in a practical real-world scenario the price values obtained from a public electricity operator is presented. The second contribution is related to the definition of a novel wireless sensor network communications protocol based on Wi-Fi that allows for creating an easy-to-deploy smart plug system that self-organizes and auto-configures to collect the sensed data, minimizing user intervention. Third, it is provided a thorough description of the design of one of the few open-source smart plug systems, including its communications architecture, the protocols implemented, the main sensing and actuation components and the most relevant pieces of the software. Moreover, with the aim of illustrating the capabilities of the smart plug system, the results of different experiments performed are shown. Such experiments evaluate in real-world scenarios the system’s ease of use, its communications range and its performance when using HTTPS. Finally, the economic savings are estimated for different appliances, concluding that, in the practical situation proposed, the smart plug system allows certain energy-demanding appliances to save almost €70 per year.
机译:能源互联网(IoE)代表了一种新颖的范例,其中电力系统与智能设备协同工作以增加能源消耗的可视性并创建更安全,更清洁和可持续的能源系统。 IoE服务的实施涉及多个组件的使用,例如嵌入式系统,电力电子设备或传感器,它们是专用于发电和分配能源的基础架构的重要组成部分,也是最终用户所需要的。本文重点介绍后者,并提出了一种智能插座系统,该系统收集有关能源价格的信息,并根据用户的喜好利用传感器和执行器来优化家庭能耗。具体来说,本文提供了三个主要的新颖贡献。首先,据我们所知,这是第一个硬件原型,它可以在实际环境中管理从公共电力运营商处获得的价格值。第二个贡献与基于Wi-Fi的新型无线传感器网络通信协议的定义有关,该协议允许创建易于部署的智能插头系统,该系统可以自我组织和自动配置以收集感测数据,从而最大程度地减少用户介入。第三,它对少数几个开源智能插头系统之一的设计进行了全面的描述,包括其通信体系结构,所实现的协议,主要的感应和驱动组件以及最相关的软件。此外,为了说明智能插头系统的功能,显示了执行的不同实验的结果。这样的实验可以在现实情况下评估系统的易用性,通信范围以及使用HTTPS时的性能。最后,估计了不同电器的经济节省,得出的结论是,在建议的实际情况下,智能插头系统可使某些用电需求的电器每年节省近70欧元。



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