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Using artwork to understand the experience of mental illness: Mainstream artists and Outsider artists




>Objective: Artwork and psychiatric disorders are often linked. Accomplished artists with psychiatric disorders express themselves and their emotional distress through their works, and art therapists use the visual arts to help clients understand their problems and cope with them. There have been a number of psychiatric patients with no previous art training who produced artwork that many consider museum-worthy (Art Brut, or Outsider Art.) For the past two years, I have used artwork in another way: to better understand my clients and their psychiatric disorders. >Methods: Presented here are paintings I have made about the mental illness experience of some of my clients, all well known to me through their therapy. It is a form of visual psychodrama, in which I reverse roles with the client through the paintings. My goal has been to experience the stresses felt by my clients so that I can understand them better. >Results: The paintings have served as a point of embarkation for therapy sessions, as a means of clarifying a client’s experience, and as a way to show clients that their therapist is attending to what they say. Countertransference undoubtedly plays a role in my choice of clients and their portrayals, but the intent is to help me better understand the clients’ experiences.Included here are images of some of these paintings with a short psychiatric history of the client about whom they were made. Accompanying each one are responses from the clients upon viewing “their” paintings, and a discussion of the client’s psychiatric disorder. >Conclusions: Making these paintings has helped me understand better the feelings of isolation, rejection, loss, and alienation that many of my clients experience every day. In turn, they tell me that viewing the paintings is an intense experience for them as well. As an outsider artist, I must leave it to the viewer to determine whether or not these paintings qualify as “art.”
机译:>目的:艺术品和精神病经常联系在一起。精通精神病的艺术家通过他们的作品来表达自己和情感上的困扰,而艺术治疗师则使用视觉艺术来帮助客户了解他们的问题并加以解决。有许多精神病患者没​​有接受过艺术训练,他们生产的艺术品被许多人认为是值得博物馆收藏的(Art Brut或Outsider Art。)在过去两年中,我以另一种方式使用艺术品:以更好地了解我的客户和他们的精神疾病。 >方法:这是我创作的一些客户关于精神疾病经历的画作,这些画作都是通过他们的治疗而广为人知的。这是一种视觉心理剧,在其中我通过绘画与客户颠倒了角色。我的目标是体验客户的压力,以便更好地了解他们。 >结果:这些画作是治疗课程的出发点,是阐明服务对象经历的一种手段,并且是一种向服务对象表明其治疗师正在遵守他们所言的方法。毫无疑问,反转让在我选择客户及其刻画时会发挥作用,但目的是帮助我更好地了解客户的体验。其中包括其中一些带有客户精神病史的绘画作品的图像。每一位陪同者都是服务对象在观看“他们的”画作时的回应,并讨论了服务对象的精神病。 >结论:制作这些画作有助于我更好地了解许多客户每天所经历的孤独,拒绝,迷茫和疏离的感觉。反过来,他们告诉我,对他们来说,欣赏绘画也是一种强烈的体验。作为局外人艺术家,我必须将它留给观众以确定这些画作是否属于“艺术品”。



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