
X-ray studies of neutron stars and their magnetic fields




Utilizing results obtained over the past quarter century mainly with Japanese X-ray astronomy satellites, a review is given to some aspects of neutron stars (NSs), with a particular emphasis on the magnetic fields (MFs) of mass-accreting NSs and magnetars. Measurements of electron cyclotron resonance features in binary X-ray pulsars, using the Ginga and Suzaku observatories, clarified that their surface MFs are concentrated in a narrow range of (1–7) × 108 T. Extensive studies of magnetars with Suzaku reinforced their nature as neutron stars with truly strong MFs, and revealed several important clues to their formation, evolution, and physical states. Taking all these results into account, a discussion is made on the origin and evolution of these strong MFs. One possible scenario is that the MF of NSs is a manifestation of some fundamental physics, e.g., neutron spin alignment or chirality violation, and the MF makes transitions from strong to weak states.
机译:利用过去四分之一世纪主要通过日本X射线天文学卫星获得的结果,对中子星(NSs)的某些方面进行了回顾,特别着重于有质量积聚的NSs和磁星的磁场(MFs)。使用银河和朱雀天文台测量二元X射线脉冲星的电子回旋共振特征,结果表明它们的表面MF集中在(1–7)×10 8 T的狭窄范围内。朱雀对磁星的研究加强了它们作为具有真正强MF的中子星的性质,并揭示了一些有关其形成,演化和物理状态的重要线索。考虑到所有这些结果,就这些强MF的起源和演变进行了讨论。一种可能的情况是,NSs的MF是某些基本物理学的体现,例如中子自旋对准或手性违反,并且MF会从强态过渡到弱态。



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