首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Disaggregating sorghum yield reductions under warming scenarios exposes narrow genetic diversity in US breeding programs

Disaggregating sorghum yield reductions under warming scenarios exposes narrow genetic diversity in US breeding programs




Historical adaptation of sorghum production to arid and semiarid conditions has provided promise regarding its sustained productivity under future warming scenarios. Using Kansas field-trial sorghum data collected from 1985 to 2014 and spanning 408 hybrid cultivars, we show that sorghum productivity under increasing warming scenarios breaks down. Through extensive regression modeling, we identify a temperature threshold of 33 °C, beyond which yields start to decline. We show that this decline is robust across both field-trial and on-farm data. Moderate and higher warming scenarios of 2 °C and 4 °C resulted in roughly 17% and 44% yield reductions, respectively. The average reduction across warming scenarios from 1 to 5 °C is 10% per degree Celsius. Breeding efforts over the last few decades have developed high-yielding cultivars with considerable variability in heat resilience, but even the most tolerant cultivars did not offer much resilience to warming temperatures. This outcome points to two concerns regarding adaption to global warming, the first being that adaptation will not be as simple as producers’ switching among currently available cultivars and the second being that there is currently narrow genetic diversity for heat resilience in US breeding programs. Using observed flowering dates and disaggregating heat-stress impacts, both pre- and postflowering stages were identified to be equally important for overall yields. These findings suggest the adaptation potential for sorghum under climate change would be greatly facilitated by introducing wider genetic diversity for heat resilience into ongoing breeding programs, and that there should be additional efforts to improve resilience during the preflowering phase.
机译:高粱产量适应干旱和半干旱条件的历史调整为未来变暖情景下其可持续生产力提供了希望。使用从1985年至2014年收集的堪萨斯田间试验高粱数据,涵盖408个杂交品种,我们发现,在升温情况下,高粱的生产力会下降。通过广泛的回归模型,我们确定温度阈值为33°C,超过该阈值,产量开始下降。我们表明,这种下降在实地试验数据和农场数据中均很明显。 2°C和4°C的中度和较高升温情景分别导致单产降低约17%和44%。从摄氏1到5°C的变暖情况下,平均每摄氏度降低10%。在过去的几十年中,育种工作已经开发出了高产品种,其耐热性差异很大,但是即使是最耐性的品种也没有对变暖温度提供很大的弹性。这一结果指出了关于适应全球变暖的两个问题,第一个问题是适应将不会像生产者在当前可用的品种之间进行转换那样简单,第二个问题是美国育种计划中目前对于热适应力的遗传多样性较窄。使用观察到的开花日期和分解的热应激影响,可以确定开花前和开花后阶段对于总产量同等重要。这些发现表明,通过在正在进行的育种计划中引入更广泛的遗传多样性以提高抗逆能力,将大大促进高粱在气候变化下的适应潜力,并应在提高开花前的阶段做出更多努力。



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