首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Arctic sea-ice decline archived by multicentury annual-resolution record from crustose coralline algal proxy

Arctic sea-ice decline archived by multicentury annual-resolution record from crustose coralline algal proxy




Northern Hemisphere sea ice has been declining sharply over the past decades and 2012 exhibited the lowest Arctic summer sea-ice cover in historic times. Whereas ongoing changes are closely monitored through satellite observations, we have only limited data of past Arctic sea-ice cover derived from short historical records, indirect terrestrial proxies, and low-resolution marine sediment cores. A multicentury time series from extremely long-lived annual increment-forming crustose coralline algal buildups now provides the first high-resolution in situ marine proxy for sea-ice cover. Growth and Mg/Ca ratios of these Arctic-wide occurring calcified algae are sensitive to changes in both temperature and solar radiation. Growth sharply declines with increasing sea-ice blockage of light from the benthic algal habitat. The 646-y multisite record from the Canadian Arctic indicates that during the Little Ice Age, sea ice was extensive but highly variable on subdecadal time scales and coincided with an expansion of ice-dependent Thule/Labrador Inuit sea mammal hunters in the region. The past 150 y instead have been characterized by sea ice exhibiting multidecadal variability with a long-term decline distinctly steeper than at any time since the 14th century.
机译:在过去的几十年中,北半球海冰急剧下降,2012年是历史上北极夏季海冰覆盖率最低的时期。尽管通过卫星观测密切监视正在进行的变化,但我们仅有有限的过去北极海冰覆盖范围的数据,这些数据来自短历史记录,间接陆地代理和低分辨率海洋沉积物核。现在,由极其长寿的年度增量形成的coral壳珊瑚藻类藻类堆积形成的一个多世纪的时间序列现在提供了第一个高分辨率的海冰覆盖的原位海洋替代物。这些北极范围内发生的钙化藻类的生长和Mg / Ca比值对温度和太阳辐射的变化都很敏感。随着来自底栖海藻栖息地的海冰阻挡作用的增加,生长急剧下降。来自加拿大北极地区的646年多地点记录表明,在小冰期期间,海冰范围广泛,但在年代际时间尺度上变化很大,并且与该地区依赖冰的图勒/拉布拉多因纽特人海哺乳动物猎手的扩张相吻合。相反,过去150年的特征是海冰表现出数十年的可变性,长期下降比14世纪以来的任何时候都明显陡峭。



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