
Player preferences among new and old violins




Most violinists believe that instruments by Stradivari and Guarneri “del Gesu” are tonally superior to other violins—and to new violins in particular. Many mechanical and acoustical factors have been proposed to account for this superiority; however, the fundamental premise of tonal superiority has not yet been properly investigated. Player's judgments about a Stradivari's sound may be biased by the violin's extraordinary monetary value and historical importance, but no studies designed to preclude such biasing factors have yet been published. We asked 21 experienced violinists to compare violins by Stradivari and Guarneri del Gesu with high-quality new instruments. The resulting preferences were based on the violinists’ individual experiences of playing the instruments under double-blind conditions in a room with relatively dry acoustics. We found that (i) the most-preferred violin was new; (ii) the least-preferred was by Stradivari; (iii) there was scant correlation between an instrument's age and monetary value and its perceived quality; and (iv) most players seemed unable to tell whether their most-preferred instrument was new or old. These results present a striking challenge to conventional wisdom. Differences in taste among individual players, along with differences in playing qualities among individual instruments, appear more important than any general differences between new and old violins. Rather than searching for the “secret” of Stradivari, future research might best focused on how violinists evaluate instruments, on which specific playing qualities are most important to them, and on how these qualities relate to measurable attributes of the instruments, whether old or new.
机译:大多数小提琴家认为,斯特拉迪瓦里(Stradivari)和瓜纳里(Guarneri)的“德尔格苏(del Gesu)”乐器在音调上优于其他小提琴,尤其是新小提琴。已经提出了许多机械和声学因素来解释这种优势。但是,音调优势的基本前提尚未得到适当的研究。演奏者对Stradivari声音的判断可能会因小提琴的非凡货币价值和历史重要性而产生偏差,但尚未有旨在消除这种偏差因素的研究发表。我们请21位经验丰富的小提琴家将Stradivari和Guarneri del Gesu的小提琴与高质量的新乐器进行比较。最终的偏好是基于小提琴家在双盲条件下在相对干燥的房间中演奏乐器的个人经验。我们发现(i)最受青睐的小提琴是新的; (ii)最不喜欢斯特拉迪瓦里的人; (iii)票据的使用年限和货币价值与其感知质量之间缺乏相关性; (iv)大多数演奏者似乎无法分辨他们最喜欢的乐器是新乐器还是旧乐器。这些结果对传统观念提出了严峻挑战。各个演奏者之间的品味差异以及各个乐器之间的演奏质量差异似乎比新旧小提琴之间的任何一般差异都更为重要。与其寻找“斯特拉迪瓦里”的“秘密”,不如说未来的研究可能最好集中在小提琴手如何评估乐器,对他们而言最重要的演奏品质,以及这些品质如何与乐器的可测量属性(无论新旧)相关。 。



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