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A Biological Least-Action Principle for the Ecological Model of Volterra-Lotka




The conservative model of Volterra for more-than-two predator-prey species is shown to be generated as extremals that minimize a definable Lagrange-Hamilton integral involving half the species and their rates of change. This least-action formulation differs from that derived two generations ago by Volterra, since his involves twice the number of phase variables and it employs as variables the cumulative integrals of the numbers of each species that have ever lived. The present result extends the variational, teleological formulations found a decade ago by the author to the more-than-two species case. The present result is anything but surprising, in view of the works by Kerner, Montroll, and others which apply Gibbs' statistical mechanics to the all-but-canonical equations of the standard Volterra model. By a globally linear transformation of coordinates, the Volterra equations are here converted into a completely canonical system isomorphic with the classical mechanics models of Newton, Lagrange, Hamilton, Jacobi, Boltzmann, Gibbs, Poincaré, and G. D. Birkhoff. The conservative nature of the Lotka-Volterra model, whatever its realism, is a crucially necessary condition for the applicability of the variational formalisms, microscopically and macroscopically.
机译:Volterra针对两个以上捕食者-捕食物种的保守模型显示为极值,将包含一半物种及其变化率的可定义Lagrange-Hamilton积分最小化。这种最小作用的公式与沃尔特拉(Volterra)两代人推导的公式不同,因为他涉及的相位变量数量是其两倍,并且它使用了曾经生活过的每个物种的数量的累积积分。目前的结果将作者十年前发现的变体,目的论表述扩展到两个以上物种的案例中。鉴于Kerner,Montroll和其他人将Gibbs的统计力学应用于标准Volterra模型的所有正典方程式,目前的结果令人惊讶。通过全局线性坐标转换,利用牛顿,拉格朗日,汉密尔顿,雅各比,玻尔兹曼,吉布斯,庞加莱和G. D. Birkhoff的经典力学模型,将Volterra方程转换为完全规范的系统同构。洛卡-沃尔特拉模型的保守性质,无论其真实性如何,都是微观和宏观上变分形式主义适用性的关键必要条件。



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