首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>PLoS Pathogens >HIV-Infected Individuals with Low CD4/CD8 Ratio despite Effective Antiretroviral Therapy Exhibit Altered T Cell Subsets Heightened CD8+ T Cell Activation and Increased Risk of Non-AIDS Morbidity and Mortality

HIV-Infected Individuals with Low CD4/CD8 Ratio despite Effective Antiretroviral Therapy Exhibit Altered T Cell Subsets Heightened CD8+ T Cell Activation and Increased Risk of Non-AIDS Morbidity and Mortality

机译:尽管有效的抗逆转录病毒疗法但具有低CD4 / CD8比率的HIV感染者表现出改变的T细胞亚群增加的CD8 + T细胞活化以及增加的非艾滋病发病率和死亡率风险



A low CD4/CD8 ratio in elderly HIV-uninfected adults is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. A subset of HIV-infected adults receiving effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) fails to normalize this ratio, even after they achieve normal CD4+ T cell counts. The immunologic and clinical characteristics of this clinical phenotype remain undefined. Using data from four distinct clinical cohorts and three clinical trials, we show that a low CD4/CD8 ratio in HIV-infected adults during otherwise effective ART (after CD4 count recovery above 500 cells/mm3) is associated with a number of immunological abnormalities, including a skewed T cell phenotype from naïve toward terminally differentiated CD8+ T cells, higher levels of CD8+ T cell activation (HLADR+CD38+) and senescence (CD28− and CD57+CD28−), and higher kynurenine/tryptophan ratio. Changes in the peripheral CD4/CD8 ratio are also reflective of changes in gut mucosa, but not in lymph nodes. In a longitudinal study, individuals who initiated ART within six months of infection had greater CD4/CD8 ratio increase compared to later initiators (>2 years). After controlling for age, gender, ART duration, nadir and CD4 count, the CD4/CD8 ratio predicted increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Hence, a persistently low CD4/CD8 ratio during otherwise effective ART is associated with increased innate and adaptive immune activation, an immunosenescent phenotype, and higher risk of morbidity/mortality. This ratio may prove useful in monitoring response to ART and could identify a unique subset of individuals needed of novel therapeutic interventions.
机译:在未感染艾滋病毒的老年人中,较低的CD4 / CD8比值会增加发病率和死亡率。即使获得了正常的CD4 + T细胞计数,接受有效抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)的一部分被HIV感染的成年人也未能使该比率正常化。该临床表型的免疫学和临床特征仍然不确定。使用来自四个不同临床队列和三个临床试验的数据,我们发现,在其他有效ART期间(在CD4计数恢复到500细胞/ mm 3 之后),HIV感染的成年人中CD4 / CD8比率较低与许多免疫学异常相关,包括从原始到最终分化的CD8 + T细胞的偏斜T细胞表型,较高水平的CD8 + T细胞活化(HLADR + CD38 +)和衰老(CD28-和CD57 + CD28-)和犬尿氨酸/色氨酸比率。外周CD4 / CD8比值的变化也反映了肠粘膜的变化,但并不反映淋巴结的变化。在一项纵向研究中,与后来的启动者(> 2年)相比,在感染后六个月内启动抗逆转录病毒疗法的个体具有更大的CD4 / CD8比增加。在控制了年龄,性别,ART持续时间,最低点和CD4计数之后,CD4 / CD8比值预测发病率和死亡率的风险增加。因此,在有效ART期间持续较低的CD4 / CD8比值与先天性和适应性免疫激活增加,免疫衰老表型以及更高的发病率/死亡率相关。该比率可能被证明对监测对ART的反应有用,并且可以确定新型治疗干预所需的个体的独特子集。


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