首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Plant Physiology >Buffer Capacities of Leaves Leaf Cells and Leaf Cell Organelles in Relation to Fluxes of Potentially Acidic Gases

Buffer Capacities of Leaves Leaf Cells and Leaf Cell Organelles in Relation to Fluxes of Potentially Acidic Gases




Since environmental pollution by potentially acidic gases such as SO2 causes proton release inside leaf tissues, homogenates of needles of spruce (Picea abies) and fir (Abies alba) and of leaves of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) were titrated and buffer capacities were determined as a function of pH. Titration curves of barley leaves were compared with titration curves of barley mesophyll protoplasts. From the protoplasts, chloroplasts and vacuoles were isolated and subjected to titration experiments. From the titration curves, the intracellular distribution of buffering capacities could be deduced. Buffering was strongly pH-dependent. It was high at the extremes of pH but still significant close to neutrality. Owing to its large size, the vacuole was mainly responsible for cellular buffering. However, on a unit volume basis, the cytoplasm was much more strongly buffered than the vacuole. Potentially acidic gases are trapped in the anionic form. They release protons when trapped. The magnitude of diffusion gradients from the atmosphere into the cells, which determines flux, depends on intracellular pH. In the light, the chloroplast stroma, as the most alkaline leaf compartment, has the highest trapping potential. Acidification of the chloroplast stroma inhibits photosynthesis. The trapping potential of the chloroplast is followed by that of the cytosol. Compared with the cytoplasm, the vacuole possesses little trapping potential in spite of its large size. It is particularly small in the acidic vacuoles of conifer needles. In the physiological pH range (slightly above neutrality), chloroplast buffering was about 1 microequivalents H+ per milligram chlorophyll per pH unit or 35 microequivalents H+ per milliliter per pH unit in barley or spinach chloroplasts. This compares with SO2-generated H+ production of somewhat more than 1 microequivalent H+ per milligram chlorophyll per hour, which results from observed SO2 uptake of leaves when stomata were open and the atmospheric SO2 concentration was 0.4 microliters per liter (GE Taylor Jr, DT Tingey 1983 Plant Physiol 72: 237-244). At lower SO2 concentrations, similar H+ generation inside the cells requires correspondingly longer exposure times.
机译:由于潜在的酸性气体(如SO2)对环境的污染会导致质子在叶片组织内释放,因此需要对云杉针叶(Picea abies)和冷杉(Abies alba)以及菠菜叶(Spinacia oleracea)和大麦叶(Hordeum vulgare)的匀浆进行滴定和测定缓冲液容量与pH的关系。比较了大麦叶的滴定曲线和大麦叶肉原生质体的滴定曲线。从原生质体中,分离出叶绿体和液泡并进行滴定实验。从滴定曲线可以推断出缓冲能力在细胞内的分布。缓冲液强烈依赖pH。在极端pH值时很高,但仍接近中性。由于其较大的大小,液泡主要负责细胞缓冲。但是,以单位体积计,细胞质的缓冲能力比液泡强得多。潜在的酸性气体以阴离子形式被捕集。当被困时,它们释放质子。从大气到细胞的扩散梯度大小决定了通量,取决于细胞内pH。从光的角度看,叶绿体基质是最碱性的叶区,具有最高的捕获潜力。叶绿体基质的酸化抑制了光合作用。叶绿体的捕获潜力之后是细胞质的捕获潜力。与细胞质相比,液泡尽管大小大,但几乎没有捕获潜力。在针叶树针的酸性液泡中特别小。在生理pH范围内(略高于中性),叶绿体缓冲液的每pH单位每毫克叶绿素约1微当量H + 或每pH每毫升单位35微当量H + 大麦或菠菜叶绿体。与之相比,SO2产生的H + 每小时产生每毫克叶绿素的微当量H + 略多于1,这是由于观察到气孔打开和关闭时叶片对SO2的吸收所致。大气中的SO2浓度为0.4微升/升(GE Taylor Jr,DT Tingey 1983 Plant Physiol 72:237-244)。在较低的SO2浓度下,细胞内部类似的H + 生成需要相应更长的暴露时间。



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