首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Plant Cell >The Frequency and Degree of Cosuppression by Sense Chalcone Synthase Transgenes Are Dependent on Transgene Promoter Strength and Are Reduced by Premature Nonsense Codons in the Transgene Coding Sequence.

The Frequency and Degree of Cosuppression by Sense Chalcone Synthase Transgenes Are Dependent on Transgene Promoter Strength and Are Reduced by Premature Nonsense Codons in the Transgene Coding Sequence.




By comparing the effects of strong and weak promoters that drive sense chalcone synthase (Chs) transgenes in large populations of independently transformed plants, we show here that a strong transgene promoter is required for high-frequency cosuppression of Chs genes and for production of the full range of cosuppression phenotypes. In addition, sense Chs transgenes driven by a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter possessing a single copy of the upstream activator region (UAR) were found to produce a significantly lower degree of cosuppression than they did when the transgene promoter possessed two or four copies of the UAR. It has been shown elsewhere that 35S promoter strength increases with increasing UAR copy number. Frameshift mutations producing early nonsense codons in the Chs transgene were found to reduce the frequency and the degree of cosuppression. These results suggest that promoter strength and transcript stability determine the degree of cosuppression, supporting the hypothesis that sense cosuppression is a response to the accumulation of transcripts at high concentrations. This conclusion was shown to apply to single-copy transgenes but not necessarily to inversely repeated transgenes. The results presented here also have significance for efficient engineering of cosuppression phenotypes for use in research and agriculture.
机译:通过比较在大量独立转化的植物中驱动有义查尔酮合酶(Chs)转基因的强启动子和弱启动子的作用,我们在这里表明强相互作用的启动子对于Chs基因的高频共抑制和完整基因的产生是必需的。共抑制表型的范围。此外,发现由花椰菜花叶病毒35S启动子驱动的有义Chs转基因具有单一拷贝的上游激活子区域(UAR),其共抑制程度明显低于当转基因启动子具有两个或四个拷贝的启动子时的共抑制程度。 UAR。在其他地方已经表明35S启动子强度随着UAR拷贝数的增加而增加。发现在Chs转基因中产生早期无意义密码子的移码突变可降低共抑制的频率和程度。这些结果表明,启动子的强度和转录本的稳定性决定了共抑制的程度,支持了有假设的共抑制是对高浓度转录本积累的反应的假设。已证明该结论适用于单拷贝转基因,但不一定适用于反向重复的转基因。本文介绍的结果对于有效抑制研究和农业应用的共抑制表型也具有重要意义。



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