首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Oncotarget >Fulvestrant 500 milligrams as endocrine therapy for endocrine sensitive advanced breast cancer patients in the real world: the Ful500 prospective observational trial

Fulvestrant 500 milligrams as endocrine therapy for endocrine sensitive advanced breast cancer patients in the real world: the Ful500 prospective observational trial

机译:Fulvestrant 500毫克作为现实世界中对内分泌敏感的晚期乳腺癌患者的内分泌治疗:Ful500前瞻性观察性试验



The observational prospective trial herein presented aimed at evaluating the efficacy of fulvestrant 500 mg in the treatment of endocrine sensitive advanced breast cancer patients from the real world setting. The primary end point was clinical benefit rate (CBR). Secondary end points were overall survival (OS), progression free survival (PFS) and tolerability. One hundred sixty three patients were enrolled. At a median follow up of 20 months, the 61% of patients reached CBR, whose median duration was 10.8 months. Median PFS and OS were 7 and 35 months, respectively. Endocrine sensitive patients showed better PFS and OS. No relevant toxicity appeared when analyzing safety data. In multivariate analysis, visceral involvement, endocrine sensitivity and previous endocrine therapy were prognostic factor for PFS, whereas endocrine sensitivity and metastasis at diagnosis had prognostic relevance for OS. Estrogen receptor expression >50%, single metastatic site, and no prior endocrine therapy for advanced disease were predictive of CBR. In this prospective trial, fulvestrant 500 mg appeared to be a safe and active treatment and confirmed its efficacy in the daily clinical practice. A high percent expression of estrogen receptors (above 50%) was associated with higher CBR. Treatment was very well tolerated. Endocrine sensitivity had a major impact on treatment outcome. As expected, patients who had received first-line endocrine therapy for advanced disease exhibited worse outcome and a lower CBR.
机译:本文提供的观察性前瞻性试验旨在评估氟维司群500 mg在治疗来自现实世界的内分泌敏感晚期乳腺癌患者中的疗效。主要终点是临床受益率(CBR)。次要终点是总生存期(OS),无进展生存期(PFS)和耐受性。纳入163例患者。在中位随访20个月时,有61%的患者达到了CBR,中位持续时间为10.8个月。 PFS和OS的中位数分别为7个月和35个月。内分泌敏感的患者表现出更好的PFS和OS。分析安全性数据时未显示相关毒性。在多变量分析中,内脏受累,内分泌敏感性和既往内分泌治疗是PFS的预后因素,而内分泌敏感性和转移在诊断时与OS的预后相关。雌激素受体表达> 50%,单个转移位点以及晚期疾病均未接受内分泌治疗可预示CBR。在该前瞻性试验中,氟维司群500 mg似乎是一种安全有效的治疗方法,并证实了其在日常临床实践中的有效性。雌激素受体的高百分比表达(超过50%)与更高的CBR相关。治疗耐受性很好。内分泌敏感性对治疗结果有重大影响。正如预期的那样,接受一线内分泌治疗晚期疾病的患者表现出较差的预后和较低的CBR。



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