首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice >Mexican Pharmacies and Antibiotic Consumption at the US-Mexico Border

Mexican Pharmacies and Antibiotic Consumption at the US-Mexico Border




Objective: To study antibiotic dispensing to US and Mexican residents, at Mexican pharmacies at the US-Mexico border, and the pharmacy clerks’ capability to promote appropriate use. Methods: The site selected was Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (pop. 1.2 million) separated from El Paso, Texas (pop. 800,000) by the Rio Grande River. A convenience sample of 32 pharmacies located near the international bridges, major shopping centers, and interior neighborhoods was selected. Pharmacy clients were interviewed (n=230) and 152 interactions between clients and pharmacy clerks were observed. Information was obtained about education and pharmaceutical training of 113 clerks working in 25 pharmacies. A senior pharmacy clerk in each of the 25 pharmacies was interviewed and asked for their recommendations to clients presenting two clinical scenarios and seven diagnoses. Findings: Professionally trained pharmacists only spend a few hours a week in some pharmacies. Clerks’ education levels are very low; some have only completed primary education. There is no required pharmaceutical training and their knowledge about pharmaceuticals comes mostly from representatives of the pharmaceutical industry. Clerks’ knowledge of antibiotics, the most frequently sold class of medicines (65% without prescription), is very limited. Clients trust pharmacy clerks and tend to follow their advice. Conclusions: The findings raise concerns about dispensing of antibiotics at Mexican border pharmacies and antibiotic overuse due to lack of control. Because inappropriate antibiotic use contributes to increased resistance, pharmacy clerks should receive independent training to dispense antibiotics and promote their appropriate use.
机译:目的:研究在美墨边境的墨西哥药房向美国和墨西哥居民分配抗生素的情况,以及药房店员促进适当使用的能力。方法:选择的地点是奇瓦瓦州华雷斯城(人口120万),由里奥格兰德河与得克萨斯州埃尔帕索(人口80万)隔开。选择了位于国际桥梁,主要购物中心和内部社区附近的32家药房的便利样本。采访了药房客户(n = 230),并观察到客户与药房职员之间的152次交互。获得了有关在25个药房工作的113名文员的教育和药物培训的信息。采访了这25家药店中每家的一名高级药房文员,并向提出两种临床情况和七种诊断方法的客户询问他们的建议。调查结果:经过专业培训的药剂师每周仅在一些药房里呆几个小时。职员的教育水平很低;有些只完成初等教育。无需进行药物培训,他们对药物的知识主要来自制药行业的代表。店员对抗生素的了解非常有限(这种抗生素是最常出售的一类药物(65%没有处方))。客户信任药房职员,并倾向于听取他们的建议。结论:这一发现引起了人们对在墨西哥边境药房分配抗生素以及由于缺乏控制导致抗生素滥用的担忧。由于不当使用抗生素会增加耐药性,因此药房职员应接受独立培训以分配抗生素并促进其适当使用。



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