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Y-chromosome diversity in Catalan surname samples: insights into surname origin and frequency




The biological behavior of the Y chromosome, which is paternally inherited, implies that males sharing the same surname may also share a similar Y chromosome. However, socio-cultural factors, such as polyphyletism, non-paternity, adoption, or matrilineal surname transmission, may prevent the joint transmission of the surname and the Y chromosome. By genotyping 17 Y-STRs and 68 SNPs in ~2500 male samples that each carried one of the 50 selected Catalan surnames, we could determine sets of descendants of a common ancestor, the population of origin of the common ancestor, and the date when such a common ancestor lived. Haplotype diversity was positively correlated with surname frequency, that is, rarer surnames showed the strongest signals of coancestry. Introgression rates of Y chromosomes into a surname by non-paternity, adoption, and transmission of the maternal surname were estimated at 1.5−2.6% per generation, with some local variation. Average ages for the founders of the surnames were estimated at ~500 years, suggesting a delay between the origin of surnames (twelfth and thirteenth centuries) and the systematization of their paternal transmission. We have found that, in general, a foreign etymology for a surname does not often result in a non-indigenous origin of surname founders; however, bearers of some surnames with an Arabic etymology show an excess of North African haplotypes. Finally, we estimate that surname prediction from a Y-chromosome haplotype, which may have interesting forensic applications, has a ~60% sensitivity but a 17% false discovery rate.
机译:父系遗传的Y染色体的生物学行为意味着,具有相同姓氏的雄性也可能共享相似的Y染色体。但是,社会文化因素,例如多系,非亲子关系,收养或母系姓氏传播,可能会阻止姓氏和Y染色体的联合传播。通过对〜2500个男性样本中的17个Y-STR和68个SNP进行基因分型,每个样本带有50个选定的加泰罗尼亚语姓氏之一,我们可以确定一个共同祖先的后代集,共同祖先的起源人口以及该祖先的出生日期。一个共同的祖先住着。单倍型多样性与姓氏频率呈正相关,也就是说,较少的姓氏显示出最强的宗族信号。 Y染色体通过非父系,领养和母系姓氏的传播进入姓氏的渗透率估计为每代1.5-2.6%,并且存在局部差异。姓氏创建者的平均年龄估计约为500岁,这表明姓氏起源(第十二和十三世纪)与父系传播的系统化之间存在延迟。我们发现,一般来讲,外国人的姓氏词源通常不会导致姓氏创建者的非土著血统。但是,一些姓氏带有阿拉伯语词源的人显示出北非单倍型过多。最后,我们估计根据Y染色体单倍型进行的姓氏预测(可能具有有趣的法医学应用)具有〜60%的敏感性,但有17%的错误发现率。



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