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Rec-8 dimorphism affects longevity stress resistance and X-chromosome nondisjunction in C. elegans and replicative lifespan in S. cerevisiae




A quantitative trait locus (QTL) in the nematode C. elegans, “lsq4,” was recently implicated by mapping longevity genes. QTLs for lifespan and three stress-resistance traits coincided within a span of <300 kbp, later narrowed to <200 kbp. A single gene in this interval is now shown to modulate all lsq4-associated traits. Full-genome analysis of transcript levels indicates that lsq4 contains a dimorphic gene governing the expression of many sperm-specific genes, suggesting an effect on spermatogenesis. Quantitative analysis of allele-specific transcripts encoded within the lsq4 interval revealed significant, 2- to 15-fold expression differences for 10 of 33 genes. Fourteen “dual-candidate” genes, implicated by both position and expression, were tested for RNA-interference effects on QTL-linked traits. In a strain carrying the shorter-lived allele, knockdown of rec-8 (encoding a meiotic cohesin) reduced its transcripts 4-fold, to a level similar to the longer-lived strain, while extending lifespan 25–26%, whether begun before fertilization or at maturity. The short-lived lsq4 allele also conferred sensitivity to oxidative and thermal stresses, and lower male frequency (reflecting X-chromosome non-disjunction), traits reversed uniquely by rec-8 knockdown. A strain bearing the longer-lived lsq4 allele, differing from the short-lived strain at <0.3% of its genome, derived no lifespan or stress-survival benefit from rec-8 knockdown. We consider two possible explanations: high rec-8 expression may include increased “leaky” expression in mitotic cells, leading to deleterious destabilization of somatic genomes; or REC-8 may act entirely in germ-line meiotic cells to reduce aberrations such as non-disjunction, thereby blunting a stress-resistance response mediated by innate immunity. Replicative lifespan was extended 20% in haploid S. cerevisiae (BY4741) by deletion of REC8, orthologous to nematode rec-8, implying that REC8 disruption of mitotic-cell survival is widespread, exemplifying antagonistic pleiotropy (opposing effects on lifespan vs. reproduction), and/or balancing selection wherein genomic disruption increases genetic variation under harsh conditions.
机译:线虫秀丽隐杆线虫“ lsq4”中的一个定量性状基因座(QTL)最近通过定位长寿基因而受到牵连。寿命和三个抗逆性状的QTL在<300 kbp的范围内重合,后来缩小到<200 kbp。现在显示该间隔中的单个基因可调节所有与lsq4相关的性状。转录本水平的全基因组分析表明,lsq4包含一个控制许多精子特异基因表达的双态基因,提示对精子发生有影响。定量分析在lsq4间隔内编码的等位基因特异性转录本,发现33个基因中的10个具有2至15倍的显着表达差异。测试了14个“双重候选”基因,其位置和表达均涉及RNA干扰对QTL相关性状的影响。在携带寿命较短的等位基因的菌株中,rec-8(编码减数分裂黏附素)的敲低使其转录本降低了4倍,达到与寿命更长的菌株相似的水平,同时延长了25-26%的寿命,无论是否开始于受精或成熟。寿命短的lsq4等位基因还赋予了对氧化应激和热应激的敏感性,并降低了雄性频率(反映X染色体的非分离性),其特性被rec-8敲除所独特逆转。携带寿命更长的lsq4等位基因的菌株与寿命短的菌株(其基因组的<0.3%)不同,rec-8敲除没有任何寿命或应激生存优势。我们考虑两种可能的解释:rec-8的高表达可能包括有丝分裂细胞中“泄漏”表达的增加,从而导致体细胞基因组的有害不稳定。 REC-8或REC-8可能完全在种系减数分裂细胞中发挥作用,以减少像差,如不分离,从而减弱先天免疫介导的抗应激反应。单倍体酿酒酵母(BY4741)中的复制寿命通过删除REC8(与线虫rec-8同源)而延长了20%,这表明REC8对有丝分裂细胞存活的破坏是广泛的,这说明拮抗多效性(对寿命与繁殖的相反影响)和/或平衡选择,其中基因组破坏会增加恶劣条件下的遗传变异。



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