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SET: a pupil detection method using sinusoidal approximation




Mobile eye-tracking in external environments remains challenging, despite recent advances in eye-tracking software and hardware engineering. Many current methods fail to deal with the vast range of outdoor lighting conditions and the speed at which these can change. This confines experiments to artificial environments where conditions must be tightly controlled. Additionally, the emergence of low-cost eye tracking devices calls for the development of analysis tools that enable non-technical researchers to process the output of their images. We have developed a fast and accurate method (known as “SET”) that is suitable even for natural environments with uncontrolled, dynamic and even extreme lighting conditions. We compared the performance of SET with that of two open-source alternatives by processing two collections of eye images: images of natural outdoor scenes with extreme lighting variations (“Natural”); and images of less challenging indoor scenes (“CASIA-Iris-Thousand”). We show that SET excelled in outdoor conditions and was faster, without significant loss of accuracy, indoors. SET offers a low cost eye-tracking solution, delivering high performance even in challenging outdoor environments. It is offered through an open-source MATLAB toolkit as well as a dynamic-link library (“DLL”), which can be imported into many programming languages including C# and Visual Basic in Windows OS ().
机译:尽管最近在眼动追踪软件和硬件工程方面取得了进步,但外部环境中的移动眼动追踪仍然具有挑战性。当前许多方法无法应对各种室外照明条件及其变化速度。这将实验限制在必须严格控制条件的人工环境中。此外,低成本眼动追踪设备的出现要求开发分析工具,使非技术研究人员能够处理其图像输出。我们开发了一种快速准确的方法(称为“ SET”),该方法甚至适用于不受控制,动态甚至极端光照条件的自然环境。通过处理两个人眼图像集合,我们将SET的性能与两个开源替代方案的性能进行了比较:自然的户外场景图像具有极大的光照变化(“自然”);以及具有挑战性的室内场景的图像(“ CASIA-Iris-Thousand”)。我们显示SET在室外条件下表现出色,并且在室内速度更快,而没有明显的精度损失。 SET提供了一种低成本的眼动追踪解决方案,即使在充满挑战的户外环境中也能提供高性能。它通过开源MATLAB工具包以及动态链接库(DLL)提供,可以将其导入许多编程语言,包括Windows OS中的C#和Visual Basic()。



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