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Conspiracy theories as quasi-religious mentality: an integrated account from cognitive science social representations theory and frame theory




Conspiracy theories (CTs) can take many forms and vary widely in popularity, the intensity with which they are believed and their effects on individual and collective behavior. An integrated account of CTs thus needs to explain how they come to appeal to potential believers, how they spread from one person to the next via communication, and how they motivate collective action. We summarize these aspects under the labels of stick, spread, and action. We propose the quasi-religious hypothesis for CTs: drawing on cognitive science of religion, social representations theory, and frame theory. We use cognitive science of religion to describe the main features of the content of CTs that explain how they come to stick: CTs are quasi-religious representations in that their contents, forms and functions parallel those found in beliefs of institutionalized religions. However, CTs are quasi-religious in that CTs and the communities that support them, lack many of the institutional features of organized religions. We use social representations theory to explain how CTs spread as devices for making sense of sudden events that threaten existing worldviews. CTs allow laypersons to interpret such events by relating them to common sense, thereby defusing some of the anxiety that those events generate. We use frame theory to explain how some, but not all CTs mobilize collective counter-conspiratorial action by identifying a target and by proposing credible and concrete rationales for action. We specify our integrated account in 13 propositions.
机译:阴谋论(CTs)可以采取多种形式,并且在流行程度,人们相信它们的强度以及它们对个人和集体行为的影响方面都有很大的不同。因此,对CT的综合说明需要说明它们如何吸引潜在的信徒,如何通过交流从一个人传播到另一个人,以及它们如何激发集体行动。我们在坚持,传播和行动的标签下总结了这些方面。我们提出了CT的准宗教假设:借鉴宗教的认知科学,社会表征理论和框架理论。我们使用宗教的认知科学来描述CT内容的主要特征,以解释它们如何坚持:CT是准宗教的表示形式,因为它们的内容,形式和功能与制度化宗教信仰中的内容相似。但是,社区互助组织是准宗教组织,因为社区互助组织和支持社区的社区缺乏组织宗教的许多制度特征。我们使用社会表征理论来解释CT如何作为理解威胁现有世界观的突发事件的手段进行传播。 CT使外行人可以通过将其与常识相关联来解释此类事件,从而缓解了这些事件所产生的一些焦虑。我们使用框架理论来解释某些但不是全部CT如何通过确定目标并提出可信且具体的行动原理来动员集体反阴谋行动。我们在13个命题中指定了我们的综合帐户。



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