首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience >Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Lesions Impair Local Spatial Frameworks

Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Lesions Impair Local Spatial Frameworks




A prominent theory in the neurobiology of memory processing is that episodic memory is supported by contextually gated spatial representations in the hippocampus formed by combining spatial information from medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) with non-spatial information from lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC). However, there is a growing body of evidence from lesion and single-unit recording studies in rodents suggesting that LEC might have a role in encoding space, particularly the current and previous locations of objects within the local environment. Landmarks, both local and global, have been shown to control the spatial representations hypothesized to underlie cognitive maps. Consequently, it has recently been suggested that information processing within this network might be organized with reference to spatial scale with LEC and MEC providing information about local and global spatial frameworks respectively. In the present study, we trained animals to search for food using either a local or global spatial framework. Animals were re-tested on both tasks after receiving excitotoxic lesions of either the MEC or LEC. LEC lesioned animals were impaired in their ability to learn a local spatial framework task. LEC lesioned animals were also impaired on an object recognition (OR) task involving multiple local features but unimpaired at recognizing a single familiar object. Together, this suggests that LEC is involved in associating features of the local environment. However, neither LEC nor MEC lesions impaired performance on the global spatial framework task.
机译:记忆处理的神经生物学中的一个著名理论是,情景记忆由海马的上下文门控空间表示来支持,该空间表示是通过结合来自内侧内嗅皮层(MEC)的空间信息与来自外侧内嗅皮层(LEC)的非空间信息而形成的。然而,在啮齿类动物中,病灶和单单位记录研究的证据越来越多,这表明LEC可能在空间编码中发挥作用,尤其是物体在本地环境中的当前位置和先前位置。局部和全局地标均已显示可控制假设作为认知图基础的空间表示。因此,最近提出,可以参考空间尺度来组织该网络内的信息处理,其中LEC和MEC分别提供有关局部和全局空间框架的信息。在本研究中,我们训练了动物使用局部或全局空间框架来寻找食物。接受MEC或LEC的兴奋性毒性损伤后,对动物进行两项任务的重新测试。 LEC病变动物学习局部空间框架任务的能力受损。 LEC病变的动物在涉及多个局部特征的对象识别(OR)任务上也受到了损害,但是在识别单个熟悉的对象方面没有受到损害。总之,这表明LEC参与了当地环境特征的关联。但是,LEC和MEC病变均不会损害整体空间框架任务的性能。



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