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Population Genetic Evidence for Rapid Changes in Intraspecific Diversity and Allelic Cycling of a Specialist Defense Gene in Zea




Two patterns of plant defense gene evolution are emerging from molecular population genetic surveys. One is that specialist defenses experience stronger selection than generalist defenses. The second is that specialist defenses are more likely to be subject to balancing selection, i.e., evolve in a manner consistent with balanced-polymorphism or trench-warfare models of host-parasite coevolution. Because most of the data of specialist defenses come from Arabidopsis thaliana, we examined the genetic diversity and evolutionary history of three defense genes in two outcrossing species, the autotetraploid Zea perennis and its most closely related extant relative the diploid Z. diploperennis. Intraspecific diversity at two generalist defenses, the protease inhibitors wip1 and mpi, were consistent with a neutral model. Like previously studied genes in these taxa, wip1 and mpi harbored similar levels of diversity in Z. diploperennis and Z. perennis. In contrast, the specialist defense hm2 showed strong although distinctly different departures from a neutral model in the two species. Z. diploperennis appears to have experienced a strong and recent selective sweep. Using a rejection-sampling coalescent method, we estimate the strength of selection on Z. diploperennis hm2 to be ∼3.0%, which is approximately equal to the strength of selection on tb1 during maize domestication. Z. perennis hm2 harbors three highly diverged alleles, two of which are found at high frequency. The distinctly different patterns of diversity may be due to differences in the phase of host-parasite coevolutionary cycles, although higher hm2 diversity in Z. perennis may also reflect reduced efficacy of selection in the autotetraploid relative to its diploid relative.
机译:分子种群遗传学调查显示出两种植物防御基因进化的模式。一是专家防御比通才防御具有更强的选择力。第二个是专家防御更可能受到平衡选择的影响,即以与平衡多态性或宿主-寄生虫协同进化的战trench模型一致的方式发展。因为大多数专家防御的数据都来自拟南芥,所以我们检查了两个异交物种三个物种中的三个防御基因的遗传多样性和进化史,即同源四倍体Zea perennis及其与亲缘关系最密切的二倍体Z. diploperennis。蛋白酶抑制剂wip1和mpi在两个通用防御下的种内多样性与中性模型一致。像以前在这些分类中研究的基因一样,wip1和mpi在Z. diploperennis和Z. perennis中具有相似的多样性水平。相比之下,专家防御hm2在这两个物种中与中立模型的偏离却表现出明显的强而有力的差异。 Z. diploperennis似乎经历了最近的强烈扫荡。使用剔除采样合并方法,我们估计对Z. diploperennis hm2的选择强度约为3.0%,大约等于玉米驯化期间对tb1的选择强度。 Z. perennis hm2携带三个高度分散的等位基因,其中两个频率很高。尽管在 Z中较高的hm2多样性,但多样性的明显不同模式可能是由于宿主-寄生虫共进化周期的相位不同所致。相对于二倍体,perennis 可能也反映了其在四倍体中的选择功效降低。



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