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Discord between the Phylogenies Inferred from Molecular versus Functional Data: Uneven Rates of Functional Evolution or Low Levels of Gene Flow?




According to measures of molecular divergence, the three species of the Drosophila simulans clade are closely related to and essentially equidistant from each other. We introgressed 10% of the D. sechellia X chromosome into a pure D. simulans genetic background and found that males carrying this introgressed region were consistently fertile; in contrast, males carrying the same segment from D. mauritiana are sterile and suffer from incompatibilities at a minimum of four loci. Together with other recent results, these data suggest that D. simulans and D. sechellia are much more closely related to each other than either is to D. mauritiana. How can we reconcile the phylogeny inferred from the density of hybrid sterility genes with that inferred from molecular divergence? If the molecular phylogeny is correct, the discrepancy might be explained by uneven rates of functional evolution, resulting in the uneven accumulation of substitutions with corresponding negative effects in hybrids. If the functional phylogeny is correct, then low levels of gene flow across nascent species boundaries, particularly for loci not tightly linked to a hybrid sterility gene, may have erased the original pattern of lineage splitting. We propose tests that will allow us to discriminate between these hypotheses.
机译:根据分子发散度的测量,果蝇模拟枝的三个物种彼此密切相关并且基本上彼此等距。我们将D. sechellia X染色体的10%渗入了纯D. simulans遗传背景,发现携带该渗入区的雄性始终可育。相比之下,携带来自毛里塔氏梭菌的相同片段的雄性不育,并且在至少四个基因座处患有不相容性。连同其他最近的结果,这些数据表明,D。simulans和D. sechellia之间的亲缘关系比与D. mauritiana都更为紧密。我们如何协调从杂交不育基因的密度推断出的系统发育与从分子发散性推断出的系统发育?如果分子系统发育正确,则可以用功能进化的速率不均匀来解释差异,从而导致杂种中取代的积累不均匀,并产生相应的负面影响。如果功能系统发育是正确的,那么跨越新生物种边界的低水平基因流,特别是对于未与杂种不育基因紧密联系的基因座,可能已经消除了谱系分裂的原始模式。我们提出的检验将使我们能够区分这些假设。



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