首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran >Incorporating E-learning in teaching English language to medical students: exploring its potential contributions

Incorporating E-learning in teaching English language to medical students: exploring its potential contributions




>Background: The spread of technology has influenced different aspects of human life, and teaching and learning are not exceptions. This study aimed to examine the potential contribution of the use of technology in teaching English language to medical students. >Methods: This qualitative-action research study was conducted in Birjand University of Medical Sciences (BUMS), with 60 medical students taking a general English course in the Fall Semester of 2015. The class favored different tools and multimedia facilities such as a tube channel, e-dictionaries, educational films, and etextbooks to enhance students’ learning. In addition, the class had a weblog in which students could upload assignments and receive feedback from peers and the instructors. >Results: The results revealed that e-learning could enhance students’ language proficiency and facilitate the teaching process. Learners preferred to use more e-dictionaries to learn the meaning of the new words, watch English medical films to boost their speaking and listening skills, and use the electronic version of their textbook as they could carry it wherever they wanted. >Conclusion: The students preferred this method of learning English as they became more independent by using the electronic facilities. They found that learning English did not have a fixed institutionalized method, and e-learning activities could provide them with authentic input for language learning even outside of the classroom.
机译:>背景:技术的普及影响了人类生活的各个方面,教学也不例外。这项研究旨在探讨使用技术对医学生进行英语教学的潜在贡献。 >方法:该定性研究是在伯尔尼医科大学(BUMS)进行的,于2015年秋季学期有60名医学生参加了英语通用课程。该班级倾向于使用不同的工具和多媒体诸如电视频道,电子词典,教育电影和电子书之类的设施,以增强学生的学习能力。此外,该班还有一个网络日志,学生可以在其中上传作业,并从同学和老师那里获得反馈。 >结果:结果表明,电子学习可以提高学生的语言水平并促进教学过程。学习者更喜欢使用更多的电子词典来学习新词的含义,观看英语医学电影以提高他们的口语和听力技能,并使用电子版的教科书,以便随身携带。 >结论:学生喜欢这种学习英语的方法,因为他们通过使用电子设备变得更加独立。他们发现学习英语并没有固定的制度化方法,而在线学习活动可以为他们提供真正的投入,即使在教室外也可以进行语言学习。



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