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PNI Biomarkers and Health Outcomes in College Women




Sleep disturbance has been found to trigger a stress response with a subsequent activation of the psychoneuroimmunological (PNI) pathway associated with adverse health outcomes. This study aimed to assess the association among selected PNI biomarkers, sleep disturbances, and adverse health outcomes (depressive symptoms, physical symptoms). A stratified, quota sample (14 poor sleepers and 15 good sleepers) was drawn from a pool of healthy college women from a larger scale of study. The participants reported their sleep, stress, depressive, and physical symptoms. Wrist actigraphy was used to collect objective sleep data, and the Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay was used to assess PNI biomarkers. Poor sleep quality, higher stress perception, elevated serum serotonin, and lower serum interleukin-10 explained 75.3% of the variances for the depressive symptoms. Poor sleep quality along with delayed peak activity rhythms accounted 31.4% of the physical symptoms. High serotonin and tumor necrosis factor-α were the significant predictors for poor sleep efficiency, and serotonin was the single significant predictor for poor daytime functioning. Stress and sleep disturbances negatively impact the health of college women and should be as part of regular check-ups on campus. PNI effects on health outcomes should be further explored. Educational materials in the areas of sleep hygiene, health impacts from sleep disturbances, and strategies to maintain synchronized circadian rhythms should be mandatorily included in the college curriculum.
机译:已发现睡眠障碍会触发压力反应,并随后激活与不良健康结果相关的心理神经免疫学(PNI)途径。这项研究旨在评估选定的PNI生物标志物,睡眠障碍和不良健康结果(抑郁症状,身体症状)之间的关联。分层的配额样本(14个睡眠不足的睡眠者和15个睡眠良好的睡眠者)是从较大规模研究的健康大学女性库中抽取的。参与者报告了他们的睡眠,压力,抑郁和身体症状。腕部手法用于收集客观的睡眠数据,酶联免疫吸附测定法用于评估PNI生物标志物。不良的睡眠质量,较高的压力感知能力,较高的血清5-羟色胺和较低的血清白介素-10可以解释抑郁症状的75.3%。不良的睡眠质量以及延迟的高峰活动节奏占身体症状的31.4%。高血清素和肿瘤坏死因子-α是睡眠效率差的重要预测因子,而血清素是白天功能差的唯一重要预测因子。压力和睡眠障碍会对大学女性的健康产生负面影响,应作为校园定期检查的一部分。 PNI对健康结局的影响应进一步探讨。大学课程中应强制性包括睡眠卫生,睡眠障碍对健康的影响以及维持昼夜节律同步的策略方面的教材。



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