
Local authority scrutiny of health: making the views of the community count?




>Objective  To look at the preparations being made for the introduction of scrutiny of local health services by social service local authorities. >Design  A baseline postal survey carried out in late 2002 of all social service local authorities in England. >Setting  Against a backdrop of changing structures and policy, both within local government and the National Health Service (NHS) in England and before the official introduction of health scrutiny in January 2003. Survey from the local authority perspective. >Results  Progress is being made in the implementation of this new policy, and many local authorities have already carried out pilot scrutiny exercises of local health provision. The survey highlights the different approaches authorities are taking to initiate implementation of health scrutiny and the importance of support, in terms of resources, guidance and training, for overview and scrutiny to be successful. >Discussion and Conclusions  Further evaluation of the implementation of health scrutiny is required to examine the impact on local governance of the NHS and partnership working.
机译:>目的,以了解为社会服务地方当局引入对地方卫生服务的审查所做的准备工作。 >设计在2002年末对英格兰所有社会服务地方当局进行了基线邮政调查。 >设置:在结构和政策不断变化的背景下,无论是在地方政府内部还是在英国国家卫生服务局(NHS)中,在2003年1月正式引入健康检查之前。都是从地方当局的角度进行调查。 >结果:这项新政策的实施正在取得进展,许多地方当局已经对当地卫生服务进行了试点性的审查。该调查强调了当局采取不同的方式来开始实施健康检查,以及在资源,指导和培训方面的支持对于成功进行概述和检查的重要性。 >讨论和结论:需要进一步评估健康检查的实施,以检查对NHS和合作伙伴关系对地方治理的影响。



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