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Rotastenting in an anomalously arising right coronary artery after an ugly dissection




Rotational atherectomy is contraindicated in dissected coronary arteries since it can lead to progression of the dissection or perforation. In our case, the right coronary artery (RCA) arose anomalously from the left coronary sinus. The lesion in the RCA was an undilatable calcified one. There was a dissection in the RCA due to high pressure balloon dilatation. Since the patient was hemodynamically unstable and there were no options besides rotablation, we proceeded with caution. Rotablation and stenting were successfully done. Our case report highlights the importance of the need for good guide catheter support even in the presence of anomalously arising arteries and the rotablation option for unyielding calcified coronary lesions, even in the setting of a dissection.
机译:冠状动脉切开术是旋磨术的禁忌症,因为它可能导致解剖或穿孔的进展。在我们的案例中,右冠状动脉(RCA)从左冠状窦异常出现。 RCA中的病变为不可钙化的病变。由于高压球囊扩张,RCA发生了解剖。由于该患者血液动力学不稳定,除了rotablation之外没有其他选择,因此我们谨慎行事。旋切术和支架置入术已成功完成。我们的病例报告强调了即使在出现异常动脉的情况下,也需要良好的引导导管支持的重要性,即使在解剖的情况下,对于顽固的钙化冠状动脉病变也应选择旋转疗法。



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