首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Infection and Immunity >Expression Analysis of the Yersiniabactin Receptor Gene fyuA and the Heme Receptor hemR of Yersinia enterocolitica In Vitro and In Vivo Using the Reporter Genes for Green Fluorescent Protein and Luciferase

Expression Analysis of the Yersiniabactin Receptor Gene fyuA and the Heme Receptor hemR of Yersinia enterocolitica In Vitro and In Vivo Using the Reporter Genes for Green Fluorescent Protein and Luciferase




The enteropathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica strains have several systems for scavenging iron from their environment. We have studied the expression of the fyuA gene, which encodes the outer membrane receptor for the siderophore yersiniabactin (Ybt), and the hemR gene, which encodes the receptor for heme, using the reporter genes gfp (encoding green fluorescent protein) and luc (encoding firefly luciferase). To study gene expression in vitro as well as in vivo, we have constructed several translational reporter gene fusions to monitor simultaneously expression of fyuA and hemR or expression of one gene by a gfp-luc tandem reporter. Results of the in vitro expression analysis (liquid media) indicated that fyuA and hemR are strongly derepressed under iron starvation conditions, resulting in strong fluorescence and/or luminescence at 27°C. In the in vivo BALB/C mouse infection model, tissue-specific expression of fyuA and hemR reporter fusions was observed. Surprisingly, fyuA and hemR reporter constructs were weakly expressed by yersiniae located in the liver and intestinal lumen, whereas strong expression was found for yersiniae in the peritoneal cavity and moderate expression was found in the spleen. Strikingly, yersiniae carrying fyuA or hemR reporter fusions exhibited threefold-stronger signals when grown in the peritoneal cavity of mice than those growing under iron derepression in vitro. This hyperexpression suggests that besides Fur derepression, additional activators may be involved in the enhanced expression of fyuA and hemR under peritoneal growth conditions. Differential expression of the fyuA and hemR reporter fusions could not be observed, suggesting similar regulation of fyuA and hemR in the mouse infection model.
机译:肠致病性小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌菌株具有几种从环境中清除铁的系统。我们已经使用报道基因gfp(编码绿色荧光蛋白)和luc(萤火虫荧光素酶编码)。为了研究体内外的基因表达,我们构建了几种翻译报告基因融合体,以同时监测fyuA和hemR的表达或gfp-luc串联报告基因的一个基因的表达。体外表达分析(液体培养基)的结果表明,在铁饥饿的条件下,fyuA和hemR被强烈抑制,导致27°C时强烈的荧光和/或发光。在体内BALB / C小鼠感染模型中,观察到fyuA和hemR报告基因融合蛋白的组织特异性表达。出乎意料的是,位于肝脏和肠腔中的耶尔森氏菌弱表达fyuA和hemR报道基因构建体,而在腹膜腔中发现耶尔氏菌强烈表达,而在脾脏中发现中度表达。令人惊讶的是,携带fyuA或 hemR 报告基因融合体的耶尔森氏菌在小鼠腹膜腔内生长时的信号强度要比在体外铁抑制下生长的信号强度高三倍。这种过度表达表明,除了Fur抑制外,在腹膜生长条件下,其他激活剂可能还参与了 fyuA hemR 的增强表达。无法观察到 fyuA hemR 报告基因融合体的差异表达,表明 fyuA hemR 在小鼠中的调控相似。小鼠感染模型。



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