首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Effects of Promotional Materials on Attitudes and Fear towards Colorectal Cancer Screening among Chinese Older Adults: An Experimental Study

Effects of Promotional Materials on Attitudes and Fear towards Colorectal Cancer Screening among Chinese Older Adults: An Experimental Study




Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening is a cost-effective prevention and control strategy. However, the promotion of CRC screening for older adults may be difficult because reading CRC prevention information may evoke embarrassment, fear, and anxiety towards the screening procedure and cancer diagnosis. This study aims to (1) examine the effects of three promotional materials for CRC screening on the attitudes toward CRC screening tests (screening interest, screening effectiveness, and trust in the screening results) and cancer fear, and (2) to explore the interaction effect of cancer fear with screening effectiveness and trust in the screening results on screening interest of the three screening tests (fecal occult blood test (FOBT), flexible sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy) among Chinese older adults. A total of 114 community-dwelling older adults were asked to look at the corresponding promotional materials (pamphlet, cartoon, and video) of one of the three study groups. The pamphlet and video represent convention strategies and the cartoon represents an innovative strategy. No significant difference was observed in the screening interest and cancer fear across groups. FOBT was the most preferred screening modality. The video group has a large proportion agreed screening effectiveness of flexible sigmoidoscopy than pamphlet and cartoon groups and trusted in the screening results for FOBT and flexible sigmoidoscopy than the pamphlet group. Logistic regression results showed that the effect of trust in the screening results on screening interest for colonoscopy was greater among participants with higher cancer fear than those with lower cancer fear level. In conclusion, the three promotional groups had produced similar results in their attitudes toward CRC screening and cancer fear. The use of cartoons may be a comparable approach with conventional methods in the promotion of CRC screening. Additional components that can arouse fear and boost response efficacy simultaneously might also be useful for the effective promotion of colonoscopy among Chinese older adults.
机译:大肠癌(CRC)筛查是一种经济有效的预防和控制策略。但是,对老年人进行CRC筛查可能很困难,因为阅读CRC预防信息可能会引起筛查程序和癌症诊断的尴尬,恐惧和焦虑。本研究旨在(1)研究三种CRC筛查宣传材料对CRC筛查测试态度(筛查兴趣,筛查效果和对筛查结果的信任)和癌症恐惧的影响,以及(2)探讨相互作用筛查效果和对筛查结果的信任对癌症恐惧的影响对中国老年人的三种筛查测试(粪便潜血测试(FOBT),柔性乙状结肠镜检查和结肠镜检查)的筛查兴趣。要求总共114位居住在社区中的老年人查看三个研究组之一的相应宣传材料(小册子,卡通和视频)。手册和视频代表常规策略,动画片代表创新策略。在各组之间的筛查兴趣和癌症恐惧方面未观察到明显差异。 FOBT是最优选的筛查方式。该视频组比乙组和卡通组具有更大的同意的乙状结肠镜筛查效果,并且比乙组对FOBT和乙状结肠镜的筛查结果值得信赖。 Logistic回归结果显示,对于癌症恐惧程度较高的参与者,对筛查结果的信任对结肠镜检查兴趣的影响大于对癌症恐惧程度较低的参与者。总之,三个推广小组在对CRC筛查和癌症恐惧的态度上产生了相似的结果。在促进CRC筛查中,卡通的使用可能与传统方法相当。同时引起恐惧和增强反应功效的其他成分也可能对中国老年人结肠镜检查的有效推广有用。



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