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Estimation of urinary aldosterone using thin-layer chromatography and fluorimetry.




AIMS--To develop a fluorimetric method for the estimation of urinary aldosterone; to establish a normal range in 24 hour and overnight urine samples; and to investigate the use of overnight urines for detecting hyperaldosteronism. METHODS--Essential steps include hydrolysis of the 18 conjugate to release aldosterone and its oxidation with Benedict's solution, followed by thin-layer chromatography on silica gel and development of fluorescence on the plate with sulphuric acid. RESULTS--There was a linear correlation between the amount of aldosterone and the area under the peak on the chromatogram. The mean intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation were 4.4% and 6.8%, respectively. The mean aldosterone excretion in 67 adults was 15.7 (SD 8.1) nmol/24 hours. The mean overnight excretion in 65 adults was 2.6 (1.4) nmol/8 hours. The method detected raised concentrations in patients with primary and secondary aldosteronism. CONCLUSIONS--This technique provides an accurate means of assaying urinary aldosterone. Overnight estimations seem to be as effective as 24 hour assays for identifying patients with hyperaldosteronism.
机译:目的-开发一种荧光法估算尿醛固酮;建立24小时和过夜尿液样本的正常范围;并调查使用过夜尿液检测醛固酮增多症的情况。方法-基本步骤包括水解18种共轭物以释放醛固酮并用本尼迪克特溶液氧化,然后在硅胶上进行薄层色谱分析,并在板上用硫酸显影荧光。结果-醛固酮的含量与色谱图峰下面积之间存在线性关系。批内和批间平均变异系数分别为4.4%和6.8%。 67名成年人的平均醛固酮排泄为15.7(SD 8.1)nmol / 24小时。 65名成年人的平均夜间排泄量为2.6(1.4)nmol / 8小时。该方法检测到原发性和继发性醛固酮增多症患者的血药浓度升高。结论-该技术提供了测定尿醛固酮的准确方法。对于鉴定患有醛固酮过多症的患者,过夜估计似乎与24小时检测一样有效。



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