class='kwd-title'>Keywords: Cervix cancer, Brach'/> The EMBRACE II study: The outcome and prospect of two decades of evolution within the GEC-ESTRO GYN working group and the EMBRACE studies
首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology >The EMBRACE II study: The outcome and prospect of two decades of evolution within the GEC-ESTRO GYN working group and the EMBRACE studies

The EMBRACE II study: The outcome and prospect of two decades of evolution within the GEC-ESTRO GYN working group and the EMBRACE studies

机译:EMBRACE II研究:GEC-ESTRO GYN工作组和EMBRACE研究在二十年的发展中取得的成果和前景



class="kwd-title">Keywords: Cervix cancer, Brachytherapy, Adaptive radiotherapy, MRI guided radiotherapy, Local control, Morbidity class="head no_bottom_margin" id="ab015title">AbstractThe publication of the GEC-ESTRO recommendations one decade ago was a significant step forward for reaching international consensus on adaptive target definition and dose reporting in image guided adaptive brachytherapy (IGABT) in locally advanced cervical cancer. Since then, IGABT has been spreading, particularly in Europe, North America and Asia, and the guidelines have proved their broad acceptance and applicability in clinical practice. However, a unified approach to volume contouring and reporting does not imply a unified administration of treatment, and currently both external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and IGABT are delivered using a large variety of techniques and prescription/fractionation schedules.With IGABT, local control is excellent in limited and well-responding tumours. The major challenges are currently loco-regional control in advanced tumours, treatment-related morbidity, and distant metastatic disease. Emerging evidence from the RetroEMBRACE and EMBRACE I studies has demonstrated that clinical outcome is related to dose prescription and technique. The next logical step is to demonstrate excellent clinical outcome with the most advanced EBRT and brachytherapy techniques based on an evidence-based prospective dose and volume prescription protocol.The EMBRACE II study is an interventional and observational multicentre study which aims to benchmark a high level of local, nodal and systemic control while limiting morbidity, using state of the art treatment including an advanced target volume selection and contouring protocol for EBRT and brachytherapy, a multi-parametric brachytherapy dose prescription protocol (clinical validation of dose constraints), and use of advanced EBRT (IMRT and IGRT) and brachytherapy (IC/IS) techniques (clinical validation). The study also incorporates translational research including imaging and tissue biomarkers.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:子宫颈癌,近距离放射治疗,适应性放射治疗,MRI指导的放射治疗,局部控制,发病率 class =“ head no_bottom_margin“ id =” ab015title“>摘要十年前,GEC-ESTRO建议的发布对于在影像引导的自适应近距离放射治疗(IGABT)中就适应性靶标定义和剂量报告达成国际共识迈出了重要的一步。局部晚期宫颈癌。从那时起,IGABT一直在传播,尤其是在欧洲,北美和亚洲,并且该指南已证明其在临床实践中得到了广泛的接受和适用。但是,采用统一的方法进行体积勾画和报告并不意味着对治疗方法的统一管理,目前,外部束放射疗法(EBRT)和IGABT均使用多种技术和处方/分级时间表来提供。在有限且反应良好的肿瘤中表现出色。当前的主要挑战是晚期肿瘤的局部区域控制,与治疗有关的发病率和远处转移性疾病。 RetroEMBRACE和EMBRACE I研究的新证据表明,临床结果与剂量处方和技术有关。下一步的逻辑步骤是基于最先进的EBRT和近距离放射疗法技术,基于循证的预期剂量和体积处方方案,证明卓越的临床疗效。EMBRACE II研究是一项干预性和观察性多中心研究,旨在对使用先进的治疗方法,包括针对EBRT和近距离放射治疗的先进目标体积选择和轮廓方案,多参数近距离放射治疗剂量处方方案(剂量约束的临床验证)以及先进的治疗方法,可在不限制发病率的情况下进行局部,淋巴结和全身控制EBRT(IMRT和IGRT)和近距离放射治疗(IC / IS)技术(临床验证)。该研究还包括翻译研究,包括成像和组织生物标志物。


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