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Retrospective analysis of survey data relating to the employment conditions of Canadian veterinary graduates for the years 2008 to 2013




Six years of survey data generated from the “Annual New Graduate Survey” were collated and analyzed for trends. Canadian veterinary colleges graduated 14.9% more veterinarians in 2013 than 2008; 79.3% of graduates were female and this percentage was similar across all colleges (P = 0.51). The average base salary for new graduates remained constant at ~$69 000/annum for the years 2011 to 2013. However, the mean base salary of those employed in western Canada and Ontario was higher than that of employees in Quebec and the Maritimes (P < 0.001). There were no differences in the base salaries paid to males and females (P = 0.18) nor in what small animal, food animal, and equine practices were paying new graduates (P = 0.94). The 3 most common employee benefits were: a continuing education allowance, paid licensing fees, and paid malpractice insurance premiums.
机译:对“年度新毕业生调查”产生的六年调查数据进行了整理和趋势分析。 2013年,加拿大的兽医学院毕业的兽医数量比2008年多14.9%; 79.3%的毕业生为女性,并且所有大学中的这一百分比均相似(P = 0.51)。新毕业生的平均基本工资在2011年至2013年保持在每年约$ 69000。但是,在加拿大西部和安大略省工作的雇员的平均基本工资高于在魁北克和海事的雇员的平均工资(P < 0.001)。男性和女性的基本工资(P = 0.18)以及小动物,食用动物和马类实践向新毕业生支付的工资均无差异(P = 0.94)。员工最常见的3种福利是:继续教育津贴,已支付的许可费和已支付的医疗事故保险费。



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