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Urinary tract ultrasonography in normal rams and in rams with obstructive urolithiasis




We determined the position, dimensions, and structure of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra in 20 healthy, adult rams by use of ultrasonography. The findings were compared with those of seven rams with obstructive urolithiasis, thus establishing criteria for the diagnosis of urolithiasis via ultrasonography. A 5.0 MHz convex transducer was placed over the right paralumbar fossa to examine the kidneys, and a 5.0 MHz linear rectal transducer was used to examine the bladder and urethra transrectally. All examinations were performed on standing rams. The left kidney had a length of 8.4 ± 0.3 cm (mean ± SD), a width of 4.7 ± 0.3 cm, and a depth of 4.4 ± 0.3 cm. The diameter of the renal sinus of the left kidney was 1.5 ± 0.2 cm. The circumference of the medullary pyramids measured 2.8 ± 0.3 cm. Similar ultrasonographic measurements were obtained for the right kidney. The mean diameter of the bladder of 12 rams was 7.5 ± 2.8 cm. The diameter of the bladder could not be determined in the remaining eight rams because it was greater than 10 cm and therefore beyond the penetration depth of the scanner. The only part of the urethra which could be visualized ultrasonographically was the internal urethral orifice. It had a diameter of 0.2 ± 0.1 cm.Ultrasonographic examination of seven rams with obstructive urolithiasis revealed a markedly dilated urethra and urinary bladder. Due to severe cystitis, the contents of the urinary bladder appeared as multiple, tiny, uniformly distributed echoes. The renal pelvis and medullary pyramids of both kidneys were dilated in four rams. In two rams, uroperitoneum and accumulation of urine in the abdomen were diagnosed via ultrasonography. In one ram this was due to a ruptured ureter and in one to a ruptured bladder. The results of this study indicate that ultrasonography is a useful aid in the diagnosis of obstructive urolithiasis.
机译:通过超声检查,我们确定了20头健康的成年公羊的肾脏,输尿管,膀胱和尿道的位置,大小和结构。将这些发现与7例阻塞性尿路结石的公羊进行了比较,从而建立了通过超声诊断尿路结石的标准。将5.0 MHz凸形换能器放置在右腰旁大窝上方以检查肾脏,并使用5.0 MHz线性直肠换能器经直肠检查膀胱和尿道。所有检查均在立式公羊上进行。左肾的长度为8.4±0.3cm(平均±SD),宽度为4.7±0.3cm,深度为4.4±0.3cm。左肾的肾窦直径为1.5±0.2cm。髓棱锥的周长为2.8±0.3厘米。对右肾也进行了类似的超声检查。 12只公羊的膀胱平均直径为7.5±2.8 cm。在剩余的八只撞锤中,无法确定膀胱的直径,因为它的直径大于10厘米,因此超出了扫描仪的穿透深度。可以通过超声检查看到的尿道的唯一部分是内部尿道口。它的直径为0.2±0.1厘米。超声检查七只具有阻塞性尿路结石的公羊,发现尿道和膀胱明显扩张。由于严重的膀胱炎,膀胱中的内容物呈多个细小且均匀分布的回声。两个肾脏的肾盂和髓质金字塔在四个公羊中扩张。在两只公羊中,通过超声检查诊断出了腹膜腔和腹部尿液的积聚。在一只公羊中,这是由于输尿管破裂而在一只公羊中,是由于膀胱破裂。这项研究的结果表明,超声检查对阻塞性尿路结石的诊断是有用的。



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