首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Preventive Social Medicine >Exploring the relation between class gender and self rated general health using the new socioeconomic classification. A study using data from the 2001 census

Exploring the relation between class gender and self rated general health using the new socioeconomic classification. A study using data from the 2001 census




>Objective: To examine the relation between class, gender, and self rated health in adults in Great Britain. >Design: Cross sectional study using data from the 2001 national census. >Setting: Great Britain. >Participants: Adults aged between 25 and 64 in Great Britain, enumerated in the 2001 census (n = 30.3 million). >Main outcome measures: Age standardised rates of self rated general health for men and women in different socioeconomic groupings as defined by the National Statistics classification (NS-SeC), rate ratios and the (modified) relative index of inequality. >Results: There was a pronounced gradient in rates of "not good" health among people in different social positions. The rate for people in class 7 (routine occupations) was more than double that for people in class 1 (higher managerial and professional occupations): 95 per 1000 and 37 per 1000 respectively. Health inequalities were larger for men than for women—the rate ratio of class 7 to class 1 was 2.7 for men and 2.2 for women. The nature and size of the gender differences varied by socioeconomic class, with the greatest gap among people in class 1 (higher managerial and professional occupations), where the rate for women was 25% higher than for men. >Conclusions: The NS-SeC shows a pronounced gradient in self rated general health across the population of working age in Great Britain in 2001. It was found that the NS-SeC was a useful measure for women, although it may be better at classifying men. The size of the gender gap in "not good" health varied by NS-SeC class.
机译:>目的:检查英国成年人的阶级,性别和自测健康之间的关系。 >设计:采用2001年全国人口普查数据进行的横断面研究。 >设置:英国。 >参与者:在2001年的人口普查中,英国的年龄在25岁至64岁之间的成年人(n = 3030万)。 >主要结局指标:根据国家统计分类(NS-SeC),比率和(经修改的)相对指数,对不同社会经济群体中的男女自我评估的总体健康状况进行年龄标准化的比率不等式。 >结果:处于不同社会地位的人们的“不良”健康率存在明显的梯度。第7类(常规职业)的比例是第1类(高级管理和专业职业)的比例的两倍多:分别为每千人95和每千人37。男性的健康不平等现象大于女性-男性7级与1级的比率为2.7,女性为2.2。性别差异的性质和规模因社会经济阶层的不同而不同,第一类人群之间的差距最大(较高的管理和专业职业),女性的比例比男性高25%。 >结论: NS-SeC在2001年的英国工作年龄人群中显示出自评总体健康状况的明显梯度。发现NS-SeC对于女性是一种有用的测量方法,尽管在对男人进行分类方面可能会更好。 NS-SeC班级中,“身体不好”的性别差距的大小有所不同。



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