首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Pharmacology >The Preference for Joint Attributions Over Contrast-Factor Attributions in Causal Contrast Situations

The Preference for Joint Attributions Over Contrast-Factor Attributions in Causal Contrast Situations




A current issue about causal attribution is whether people take simple contrast-factor attributions or complex joint attributions in contrast situations. For example, a stone does not dissolve in water and a piece of salt dissolves in water. That the piece of salt dissolves in water is due to: (A) the influence of the piece of salt; (B) the influence of the water; (C) the joint influence of the piece of salt and the water. We propose a mechanism-based sufficiency account for such questions. It argues that causal attributions are guided by mechanism-based explanatory sufficiency, and people prefer a mechanism-based attribution with explanatory sufficiency. This account predicts the sufficient joint attribution (the C option), whereas the conventional covariation approach predicts the contrast-factor attribution (the A option). Two experiments investigated whether contrast situations affect causal attributions for compound causation with explicit mechanism information and simple causation without explicit mechanism information, respectively. Both experiments found that in both the presence and absence of contrast situations, the majority of participants preferred sufficient joint attributions to simple contrast-factor attributions regardless of whether explicit mechanism information was present, and contrast situations did not affect causal attributions. These findings favor the mechanism-based sufficiency account rather than the covariation approach and the complexity account. In contrast situations, the predominance of joint attributions implies that explanatory complexity affects causal attributions by the modulation of explanatory sufficiency, and people prefer mechanism-based joint attributions that provide sufficient explanations for effects. The present findings are beyond the existing approaches to causal attributions.
机译:关于因果归因的当前问题是人们在对比情况下是采用简单的对比因子归因还是复杂的联合归因。例如,石头不溶于水,而一块盐则溶于水。盐块溶于水的原因是:(A)盐块的影响; (B)水的影响; (C)盐和水的共同影响。我们针对此类问题提出了基于机制的充分性说明。它认为因果归因是基于机制的解释充分性所指导的,人们更喜欢基于机制且具有解释性充分性的归因。该说明预测了足够的联合属性(C选项),而传统的协方差方法预测了对比因子属性(A选项)。两项实验分别研究了对比情况是否影响具有明确机制信息的复合因果关系和没有明确机制信息的简单因果关系的因果归因。两项实验均发现,在存在和不存在对比情况的情况下,无论是否存在明确的机制信息,大多数参与者都希望将足够的联合属性归于简单的对比因素属性,并且对比情况不影响因果关系。这些发现支持基于机制的充足性帐户,而不是协变量方法和复杂性帐户。在相反的情况下,联合归因的优势意味着解释的复杂性通过解释的充分性的调整而影响因果归因,人们更喜欢基于机制的联合归因,这些联合归因为效果提供了充分的解释。目前的发现超出了因果归因的现有方法。



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