首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Pharmacology >Gaze Following and Attention to Objects in Infants at Familial Risk for ASD

Gaze Following and Attention to Objects in Infants at Familial Risk for ASD




Reduced gaze following has been associated previously with lower language scores in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Here, we use eye-tracking in a controlled experimental setting to investigate whether gaze following and attention distribution during a word learning task associate with later developmental and clinical outcomes in a population of infants at familial risk for ASD. Fifteen-month-old infants (n = 124; n = 101 with familial risk) watched an actress repeatedly gaze toward and label one of two objects present in front of her. We show that infants who later developed ASD followed gaze as frequently as typically developing peers but spent less time engaged with either object. Moreover, more time spent on faces and less on objects was associated with lower concurrent or later verbal abilities, but not with later symptom severity. No outcome group showed evidence for word learning. Thus, atypical distribution of attention rather than poor gaze following is a limiting factor for language development in infants at familial risk for ASD.
机译:自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童先前的凝视减少与语言得分较低有关。在这里,我们在受控的实验环境中使用眼动追踪技术来研究在单词学习任务中的注视和注意力分布是否与具有ASD家族风险的婴儿群体的后期发育和临床结局相关。 15个月大的婴儿(n = 124; n = 101,有家族风险)看着一位女演员反复注视着她并标记了她面前的两个物体之一。我们发现,后来发展为自闭症的婴儿的注视频率与通常发展为同龄人的频率相同,但与任何一个物体接触的时间都较少。而且,花在脸上的时间更多而花在物体上的时间更少,与较低的并发能力或更高的口头表达能力有关,而与后来的症状严重程度无关。没有结果小组显示出单词学习的证据。因此,注意力的非典型分布而不是注视不佳是具有ASD家族风险的婴儿语言发展的限制因素。



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