首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy >Residues in the first transmembrane domain of the Caenorhabditis elegans GABAA receptor confer sensitivity to the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate

Residues in the first transmembrane domain of the Caenorhabditis elegans GABAA receptor confer sensitivity to the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">The GABAA receptor is a target of endogenous and synthetic neurosteroids. Little is known about the residues required for neurosteroid action on GABAA receptors. We have investigated pregnenolone sulfate (PS) inhibition of the Caenorhabditis elegans UNC-49 GABA receptor, a close homolog of the mammalian GABAA receptor.The UNC-49 locus encodes two GABA receptor subunits, UNC-49B and UNC-49C. UNC-49C is sensitive to PS but UNC-49B is not sensitive. By analyzing chimeric receptors and receptors containing site-directed mutations, we identified two regions required for PS inhibition.Four residues in the first transmembrane domain are required for the majority of the sensitivity to PS, but a charged extracellular residue at the end of the M2 helix also plays a role. Strikingly, mutation of one additional M1 residue reverses the effect of PS from an inhibitor to an enhancer of receptor function.Mutating the M1 domain had little effect on sensitivity to the inhibitor picrotoxin, suggesting that these residues may mediate neurosteroid action specifically, and not allosteric regulation in general.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> GABAA受体是内源性和合成神经类固醇的靶标。关于神经甾体对GABAA受体起作用所需的残基知之甚少。我们研究了硫酸孕烯醇酮(PS)对秀丽隐杆线虫UNC-49 GABA受体(哺乳动物GABAA受体的紧密同源物)的抑制作用。 UNC-49基因座编码两个GABA受体亚基,UNC-49B和UNC-49C。 UNC-49C对PS敏感,但UNC-49B不敏感。通过分析嵌合受体和包含定点突变的受体,我们确定了PS抑制所需的两个区域。 第一个跨膜结构域中的四个残基对于PS的大多数敏感性都是必需的,但带电荷的细胞外M2螺旋末端的残基也起作用。令人惊讶的是,另外一个M1残基的突变将PS的作用从抑制剂逆转为受体功能的增强剂。 突变M1域对抑制剂微毒素的敏感性几乎没有影响,表明这些残基可能介导了神经类固醇的特定作用,而不是一般的变构调节。



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