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Phase I study of irinotecan and raltitrexed in patients with advanced astrointestinal tract adenocarcinoma




To determine the dose-limiting toxicities (DLT) and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of irinotecan and raltitrexed given as sequential short infusions every 3 weeks, 33 patients with pretreated gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma (31 colorectal, 2 oesophagogastric) entered this open label dose-escalation study. For the first five dose levels patients received irinotecan 175–350 mg m–2followed by raltitrexed 2.6 mg m–2. Level VI was irinotecan 350 mg m–2plus raltitrexed 3.0 mg m–2, level VII was irinotecan 400 mg m–2plus raltitrexed 2.6 mg m–2; 261 courses were administered. Only one patient at dose levels I–V experienced DLT. At level VI, 5/12 patients experienced DLT: one had grade 3 diarrhoea and lethargy, one had grade 4 diarrhoea and one had lethargy alone. Two others had lethargy caused by disease progression. There was no first-cycle neutropenia. At level VII, 3/6 patients experienced dose-limiting lethargy, one also had grade 3 diarrhoea. Dose intensity fell from over 90% for both drugs at level VI to 83% for irinotecan and 66% for raltitrexed at level VII. Lethargy was therefore the DLT, and level VII the MTD. Pharmacokinetic data showed no measurable drug interaction; 6/30 patients (20%) had objective responses. This combination is active with manageable toxicity. Recommended doses for further evaluation are irinotecan 350 mg m–2and raltitrexed 3.0 mg m–2. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaign
机译:为了确定伊利替康和雷替曲塞的剂量限制毒性(DLT)和最大耐受剂量(MTD),每3周进行连续短暂输注,对33例预处理过的胃肠道腺癌(31例结直肠癌,2例食管胃癌)患者进行了这种开放标记剂量递增研究。对于前五个剂量水平,患者接受伊立替康175–350 mg m –2 ,随后接受雷替曲塞2.6 mg m –2 。 VI级为伊立替康350 mg m –2 加雷替曲塞3.0 mg m –2 ,第七级为伊立替康400 mg m –2 加雷替曲塞2.6 mg m –2 ;管理了261门课程。只有一名剂量为I–V的患者经历了DLT。在VI级,有5/12的患者经历了DLT:1例患有3级腹泻和嗜睡,1例患有4级腹泻,而1例仅嗜睡。另外两个人因疾病进展而嗜睡。没有第一轮中性粒细胞减少症。在VII级,3/6例患者出现剂量限制性嗜睡,其中1例也患有3级腹泻。剂量强度从两种药物在VI级时的超过90%降至伊立替康的83%和在VII级时的雷替曲塞的66%。因此,嗜睡是DLT,第七级是MTD。药代动力学数据表明没有可测量的药物相互作用。 6/30的患者(20%)有客观反应。这种组合具有有效的毒性。进一步评估的推荐剂量是伊立替康350 mg m –2 和雷替曲塞3.0 mg m –2 。 ©2000癌症研究运动



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