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His bundle recordings in diagnosis of impulse formation in Kent and Mahaim tracts.




His bundle electrograms were recorded in 2 patients with ectopic beats arising in accessory atrioventricular tracts. Case 1 had Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) type A and a left-sided Kent tract with a short effective refractory period. Though ectopic impulse formation most probably occurred within the Kent tract itself, a vulnerability-related origin in the ventricular muscle close to the distal end of the Kent tract could not be excluded. In Case 2, with a Mahaim tract extending from His bundle to ventricles, there were three types of QRS morphologies resulting from : (a) atrioventricular conduction exclusively through the normal pathways; (b) atrioventricular conduction through both, normal pathway, and Mahaim tract; and (c) ectopic impulse formation in the Mahim tract. Specialized electrophysiological studies were essential to diagnose these unusual arrhythmias.
机译:他的束电图记录了2例在房室旁出现异位搏动的患者。病例1患有Wolff-Parkinson-White(WPW)类型A和左侧肯特郡,其有效不应期很短。尽管异位冲动的形成很可能发生在肯特管本身内,但不能排除在肯特管远端附近的心室肌中与脆弱性相关的起源。在案例2中,Mahaim束从His束延伸到脑室,由以下三种类型的QRS形态引起:(a)仅通过正常途径进行的房室传导; (b)通过正常途径和马海道的房室传导; (c)Mahim管道中的异位冲动形成。专业的电生理研究对于诊断这些异常的心律不齐至关重要。



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