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  • 刊频: Quarterly
  • NLM标题: Breathe (Sheff)
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  • 机译
    摘要:The September issue of Breathe focuses on medical oxygen
  • 机译 基于工作场所的评估:如何将基于案例的讨论用作形成性评估
    摘要:Workplace-based assessments are increasingly used as a way of gaining insight into clinician performance in real-life situations. Although some can be used to inform a summative (pass/fail) assessment, many have a much greater role in the formative assessment of trainees, and can be used as tools for teaching and training and in identifying the development needs of trainees. There is considerable variation between different European countries in the use of formative, workplace-based assessment, such as a structured case-based discussion (CbD), during training. This article gives an overview of how to use CbD as a formative assessment for higher specialist trainees, and gives access to a downloadable record form which can be used by trainers.
  • 机译 长期细菌性支气管炎是儿童支气管扩张的先兆:神话还是格言?
    摘要:Recognising the link between protracted bacterial bronchitis and bronchiectasis creates an opportunity to understand the pathobiology of early suppurative endobronchial lung disease and prospects for the development of effective and early interventions
  • 机译 关于医用氧气,COPD和享受生活的思考
    摘要:A patient with COPD offers a valuable insight into how using medical oxygen changes a person's daily life, and how important it is to continue to socialise, keep active, and enjoy life as much as possible
  • 机译 欧洲小儿呼吸内科教学大纲的更新
    摘要:The 10-year-old European syllabus for paediatric respiratory medicine (PRM; also known as paediatric pulmonology) was updated by a consensus-based method using an expert task force for redrafting, and a subsequent Delphi process to achieve consensus. There was a high degree of consensus for the final syllabus, which has been streamlined and made more relevant to current practice. All modules are now mandatory apart from the undertaking of research projects, which is optional. Although there are still a number of countries in Europe which do not recognise PRM as a separate subspecialty, there are paediatric respiratory physicians practising in every country in Europe, and a current and harmonised European syllabus in the subspecialty remains important for defining the training and areas of practice of PRM practitioners.
  • 机译 为什么医用氧气对乘飞机旅行的人构成挑战?
    摘要:There are currently 3.5 million people in Europe who require medical oxygen, and as life expectancies increase, this figure is likely to grow. At the same time, air travel is becoming more accessible to a wider range of people, as costs of flights fall, and airlines and airports make improvements to the accessibility of their services.People who need medical oxygen to fly experience a wide range of difficulties when planning to travel by plane, and sometimes during or after the flight.A European Commission Regulation (EC No 1107/2006) sets the standard for airlines when it comes to making air travel accessible, but healthcare professionals and oxygen providers can both help patients to navigate the various requirements for using medical oxygen when travelling.In this review, we discuss the journey of the patient planning to travel by air, from initial consultation and fit-to-fly test, through to planning their air travel and oxygen supply, travelling, and arriving at their destination. We also highlight some common problems at each stage and suggest points for healthcare professionals to discuss with patients.Key points
    • Patients who require medical oxygen for air travel should begin planning their trip as far in advance as possible.
    • It is very advantageous for healthcare professionals to be able to advise patients on travelling with oxygen and what they need to do.
    • Requirements and policies can vary greatly between airlines, causing problems for patients who are trying to book their flights.
    • Patients or their carers need to be confident operating their oxygen equipment, as the stress of travel and lack of medical assistance on an airplane can put them at risk.
    • Careful arrangements need to be made by the patient to make sure that they have the correct oxygen therapy at their destination, and can access support if they need it.
    Educational aims
    • To understand the process and potential challenges for a patient who requires oxygen to travel by plane.
    • To be confident in discussing air travel with patients who are affected by lung disease.

    Short abstract

    Airlines have a responsibility to provide equal access to passengers who require medical oxygen, but many barriers remain. Healthcare professionals and oxygen suppliers can help patients plan their journey and reduce the risk associated with air travel.
  • 机译 成人非囊性纤维化支气管扩张的诊断影像
    摘要:Radiology plays a key role in the diagnosis of bronchiectasis, defined as permanent dilatation of the bronchial lumen. Volumetric thin-section multidetector computed tomography is an excellent noninvasive modality to evaluate bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is categorised by morphological appearance. Cylindrical bronchiectasis has a smooth tubular configuration and is the most common form. Varicose bronchiectasis has irregular contours with alternating dilating and contracting lumen. Cystic bronchiectasis is the most severe form and exhibits saccular dilatation of bronchi. Bronchial dilatation is the hallmark of bronchiectasis and is evaluated in relation to the accompanying pulmonary artery. A broncho–arterial ratio exceeding 1:1 should be considered abnormal. Normal bronchi are narrower in diameter the further they are from the lung hila. Lack of normal bronchial tapering over 2 cm in length, distal from an airway bifurcation, is the most sensitive sign of bronchiectasis. Findings commonly associated with bronchiectasis include bronchial wall thickening, mucus plugging and tree-in-bud opacities. Bronchiectasis results from a myriad of conditions, with post-infectious bronchiectasis being the most common. Imaging can sometimes discern the cause of bronchiectasis. However, in most cases it is nonspecific or only suggestive of aetiology. While morphological types are nonspecific, the distribution of abnormality offers clues to aetiology.Key points
    • Bronchiectasis is a chronic progressive condition with significant disease burden and frequent exacerbations, for which the diagnosis relies on cross-sectional imaging.
    • The major imaging findings include bronchial dilatation, bronchial contour abnormalities and visualisation of the normally invisible peripheral airways.
    • Bronchiectasis is the end result of various conditions, including immunodeficiencies, mucociliary disorders and infections. Imaging is often nonspecific with regard to aetiology but can be suggestive.
    • Distribution of abnormality in the lung offers helpful clues for establishing aetiology.
    Educational aims
    • To review the cross-sectional imaging appearance of bronchiectasis and the common associated findings.
    • To get a sense of how radiology can aid in establishing the aetiology of bronchiectasis.

    Short abstract

    Bronchiectasis is a chronic progressive condition with significant disease burden and frequent exacerbations for which the diagnosis relies on cross-sectional imaging
  • 机译 改善晚期呼吸系统疾病和严重呼吸困难的人的生活质量
    摘要:Advanced respiratory disease imposes a greater symptom burden than many cancers but not does have comparable recognition of the need for supportive and palliative care or the infrastructure for its systematic delivery. Consequently, many people with advanced respiratory disease (and those closest to them) have a poor quality of life, disabled by chronic breathlessness, fatigue and other symptoms. They are socially isolated by the consequences of long-term illness and are often financially impoverished. The past decade has seen an increasing realisation that care for this group must improve and that symptom management must be prioritised. Clinical guidelines recommend person-centred care, including access to supportive and palliative care as needed, as part of standard medical practice. Advanced lung disease clinics and specialist breathlessness services (pioneered within palliative care) are developing within respiratory medicine services but are provided inconsistently.This review covers the comprehensive assessment of the patient with advanced respiratory disease, the importance of supporting carers and the current best practice in the management of breathlessness, fatigue and cough. It also suggests ways to incorporate person-centred care into the general respiratory clinic, assisted by better liaison with specialist palliative and primary care. Emerging evidence shows that excellent symptom management leads to better clinical outcomes and reduces inappropriate use of emergency medical services.Key points
    • People living with advanced respiratory disease and severe chronic breathlessness (and those closest to them) have a poor quality of life.
    • Chronic breathlessness is a disabling symptom, and acute-on-chronic/episodic breathlessness is frightening to experience and observe.
    • Chronic breathlessness imposes profound physical limitations and psychosocial burdens on those suffering from it or living with someone experiencing it.
    • Fatigue and cough are two other cardinal symptoms of advanced respiratory disease, with very detrimental effects on quality of life.
    • The impact of all these symptoms can be alleviated to a variable extent by a predominantly non-drug complex intervention.
    • Many of the interventions are delivered primarily by allied health or nursing professionals.
    • Doctors, nurses and other health professionals also need to play an active part in promoting quality of life as part of excellent medical care.
    • A person-centred, psychologically informed approach is needed by all clinicians treating patients with advanced respiratory disease.
    Educational aims
    • To give specialist respiratory clinicians practical clinical tools to help improve the quality of life of their patients with advanced respiratory disease and chronic breathlessness.
    • To outline the evidence base for these interventions with reference to definitive sources.
    • To highlight the importance of person-centred care in people with respiratory disease at all stages of illness.

    Short abstract

    Improving quality of life in people with chronic breathlessness, with a combination of (mostly) non-drug and drug interventions, improves clinical outcomes and reduces patient/carer suffering and futile use of medical services
  • 机译 社区获得性肺炎的热门话题和当前争议
    摘要:Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the most common infectious diseases, as well as a major cause of death both in developed and developing countries, and it remains a challenge for physicians around the world. Several guidelines have been published to guide clinicians in how to diagnose and take care of patients with CAP. However, there are still many areas of debate and uncertainty where research is needed to advance patient care and improve clinical outcomes. In this review we highlight current hot topics in CAP and present updated evidence around these areas of controversy.
  • 机译 全面住院肺康复计划对患有严重COPD和慢性呼吸衰竭的恶病质患者的影响
    摘要:A cachectic patient with very severe COPD and chronic respiratory failure may benefit from comprehensive and personalised pulmonary rehabilitation including neuromuscular electrical stimulation, noninvasive ventilation and anabolic steroids
  • 机译 2019年肺科学会议和睡眠与呼吸会议的早期职业会员
    摘要:The Lung Science Conference and the Sleep and Breathing Conference 2019 brought together leading experts in the field to discuss the latest cutting-edge science, as well as various career development opportunities for early career members
  • 机译 肺动脉高压和其他肺血管疾病的最新动态
    摘要:Update on studies related to pulmonary vascular disease published during 2018, addressing different topics in pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism and chronic thromboembolic disease
  • 机译 EOLIA试验:急性呼吸窘迫综合征治疗中体外膜氧合的未来?
    摘要:In the EOLIA trial, early use of ECMO did not significantly improve mortality at 60 days in patients with severe ARDS, but when used as a rescue modality ECMO might help improve survival
  • 机译 高流量氧气会降低低氧性毛细支气管炎婴儿的护理升级吗?
    摘要:Treatment failure leading to escalation of care occurred less often in infants with hypoxaemic bronchiolitis treated with high-flow oxygen than with standard oxygen therapy, but there were no differences in the proportion needing ICU transfer or intubation
  • 机译 对比晚期COPD患者运动中氦氧和氧气的生理作用
    摘要:In COPD patients the ergogenic effect of heliox or oxygen breathing might be related both to improvements in ventilatory parameters (that lessen dyspnoea) and to enhanced oxygen delivery to respiratory and locomotor muscles
  • 机译 大会7:儿科
    摘要:Meet @ERSTalk Assembly 7: paediatrics
  • 机译 沙龙信心:Anita Simonds
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Breathe
    • 2019年第3期
    摘要:ERS Vice President, Anita Simonds, gives an insight into her life
  • 机译 保护您的肺部:接种疫苗
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Breathe
    • 2019年第3期
    摘要:Getting vaccinated can protect you from lots of different diseases and help you keep your lungs healthy
  • 机译 长期患有呼吸道疾病
    摘要:The June issue of Breathe focuses on living well with a chronic respiratory disease
  • 机译 认知行为疗法在COPD患者中的作用
    摘要:Psychological ill health is very common in COPD; CBT may be a key step towards improving the care of COPD patients


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