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Promoting mental health in small-medium enterprises: An evaluation of the Business in Mind program




BackgroundWorkplace mental health promotion (WMHP) aims to prevent and effectively manage the social and economic costs of common mental illnesses such as depression. The mental health of managers and employees within small-medium enterprises (SMEs) is a neglected sector in occupational health research and practice, despite the fact that this sector is the most common work setting in most economies. The availability and propensity of SME staff to attend face-to-face training/therapy or workshop style interventions often seen in corporate or public sector work settings is a widely recognised problem. The 'Business in Mind' program employs a DVD mode of delivery that is convenient for SME managers, particularly those operating in regional and remote areas where internet delivery may not be optimal. The objective of the intervention program is to improve the mental health of SME managers, and examine whether employees of managers' whose mental health improves, report positive change in their psychosocial work environment. The mechanisms via which we aim to improve managers' mental health are through the development of their psychological capital (a higher order construct comprised of hope, self efficacy, resilience and optimism) and their skills and capacities for coping with work stress.
机译:背景工作场所精神健康促进(WMHP)旨在预防和有效管理常见的精神疾病(如抑郁症)的社会和经济成本。尽管中小型企业(SMEs)是大多数经济体中最常见的工作环境,但中小型企业(SMEs)中经理和员工的心理健康却是职业健康研究和实践中被忽略的行业。在公司或公共部门的工作环境中经常出现的中小型企业员工参加面对面的培训/治疗或讲习班式干预的可用性和倾向性是一个广泛公认的问题。 “头脑中的业务”计划采用DVD交付方式,这对于SME管理者尤其是那些在互联网交付可能不是最佳的偏远地区的偏远地区的经理来说非常方便。干预计划的目的是改善中小型企业管理人员的心理健康,并检查其心理健康状况得到改善的管理人员的员工是否报告了其心理社会工作环境的积极变化。我们旨在改善管理人员心理健康的机制是通过开发他们的心理资本(包括希望,自我效能,韧性和乐观主义的更高层次的结构)以及他们应对工作压力的技能和能力。



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