首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Archives of Emergency Medicine >Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Flemish television: challenges to the television effects hypothesis

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Flemish television: challenges to the television effects hypothesis




>Background: People who watch a lot of medical fiction overestimate the success rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It has been suggested that this is because CPR is usually shown to be successful on television. This study analysed a popular Flemish medical drama series. Previous research showed that heavy viewing of this series was related to overestimation of CPR success. >Method: Content analysis of 70 episodes of "Spoed" in the period between 2001 and the first three months of 2003. Causes and treatment of cardiac arrest and outcome of CPR were recorded in the same way as previous studies. >Results: CPR was performed 31 times in the 70 episodes. Only 19% of the patients survived the resuscitation attempt. Most patients were middle aged or older. Causes of arrest were different from those in British or American television series. >Conclusions: The low survival rate challenges the idea that heavy viewers adopt the overestimation shown by television. Psychological research shows that people ignore base rate information in the shape of statistics, in favour of vivid, dramatic examples. Showing some impressive examples of success might therefore be more important than the overall success rate. It is suggested that the message of television fiction is that doctors are not powerless and that treatment does not stop once the heart stops beating. This helps to create what has been called an "illusion of efficacy".
机译:>背景:经常看医学小说的人高估了心肺复苏(CPR)的成功率。有人认为这是因为通常在电视上显示CPR通常是成功的。这项研究分析了弗拉芒语流行的医疗戏剧系列。先前的研究表明,对该系列的大量关注与对CPR成功的高估有关。 >方法:在2001年至2003年头三个月期间对70例“ Spoed”发作进行了内容分析。以与以前的研究相同的方式记录了心脏骤停的原因和治疗以及CPR的结果。 。 >结果:在70集中,CPR执行了31次。仅19%的患者在复苏尝试中幸存了下来。多数患者为中年以上。逮捕原因与英国或美​​国电视连续剧不同。 >结论:低生存率对重观看者采用电视节目高估的观点提出了挑战。心理学研究表明,人们忽略了统计形式的基本利率信息,而倾向于生动生动的例子。因此,展示一些成功的令人印象深刻的例子可能比整体成功率更重要。建议电视小说传达的信息是,医生并非无能为力,一旦心脏停止跳动,治疗就不会停止。这有助于创建所谓的“功效幻觉”。



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