首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Public Hygiene >Suicide Among Veterans in 16 States 2005 to 2008: Comparisons Between Utilizers and Nonutilizers of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Services Based on Data From the National Death Index the National Violent Death Reporting System and VHA Administrative Records

Suicide Among Veterans in 16 States 2005 to 2008: Comparisons Between Utilizers and Nonutilizers of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Services Based on Data From the National Death Index the National Violent Death Reporting System and VHA Administrative Records




Objectives. We sought to compare suicide rates among veterans utilizing Veterans Health Administration (VHA) services versus those who did not.Methods. Suicide rates from 2005 to 2008 were estimated for veterans in the 16 states that fully participated in the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS), using data from the National Death Index, NVDRS, and VHA records.Results. Between 2005 and 2008, veteran suicide rates differed by age and VHA utilization status. Among men aged 30 years and older, suicide rates were consistently higher among VHA utilizers. However, among men younger than 30 years, rates declined significantly among VHA utilizers while increasing among nonutilizers. Over these years, an increasing proportion of male veterans younger than 30 years received VHA services, and these individuals had a rising prevalence of diagnosed mental health conditions.Conclusions.The higher rates of suicide for utilizers of VHA among veteran men aged 30 and older were consistent with previous reports about which veterans utilize VHA services. The increasing rates of mental health conditions in utilizers younger than 30 years suggested that the decreasing relative rates in this group were related to the care provided, rather than to selective enrollment of those at lower risk for suicide.
机译:目标。我们试图比较使用退伍军人卫生管理局(VHA)服务的退伍军人与未使用退伍军人的自杀率。使用国家死亡指数,NVDRS和VHA记录中的数据,对2005年至2008年完全参与国家暴力死亡报告系统(NVDRS)的16个州的退伍军人的自杀率进行了估算。在2005年至2008年之间,退伍军人自杀率因年龄和VHA使用状况而异。在30岁以上的男性中,VHA使用者的自杀率一直较高。但是,在30岁以下的男性中,VHA使用者的发病率显着下降,而未使用者中的发病率则有所上升。在这些年中,越来越多的30岁以下的男性退伍军人接受VHA服务,这些人被诊断出的心理健康状况呈上升趋势。与先前有关哪些退伍军人使用VHA服务的报告一致。 30岁以下使用者的心理健康状况比率上升表明,该组相对比率的下降与所提供的护理有关,而不是与自杀风险较低的人的选择性入学有关。



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