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Addressing the Implementation Gap in Global Road Safety: Exploring Features of an Effective Response and Introducing a 10-Country Program




Yearly, more than 1.2 million people are killed by road traffic injuries (RTIs) around the globe, and another 20 to 50 million are injured. The global burden of RTIs is predicted to rise. We explored the need for concerted action for global road safety and propose characteristics of an effective response to the gap in addressing RTIs.We propose that a successful response includes domains such as strong political will, capacity building, use of evidence-based interventions, rigorous evaluation, increased global funding, multisectoral action, and sustainability.We also present a case study of the global Road Safety in 10 Countries project, which is a new, 5-year, multipartner initiative to address the burden of RTIs in 10 low- and middle-income countries.
机译:每年,全球有120万人死于道路交通伤害(RTI),另有20至5000万人受伤。 RTI的全球负担预计将增加。我们探索了为全球道路安全采取协调行动的必要性,并提出了应对RTIs差距的有效应对措施的特征。我们建议成功的应对措施包括诸如强大的政治意愿,能力建设,采用循证干预措施,严谨措施等领域。评估,增加全球资金,多部门行动和可持续性。我们还介绍了“ 10个国家/地区的全球道路安全”项目的案例研究,该项目是一项为期5年的多伙伴新计划,旨在解决10个低收入国家和地区的RTI的负担中等收入国家。



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