首页> 中文期刊> 《云南地理环境研究》 >大山包黑颈鹤国家自然保护区湿地资源现状调查及保护对策




Wetland survey is an important prerequisite for effective protection of wetland resources. Taking Geographic information technology as a technology platform to carry out a wetlands survey in Dashanbao black-necked crane wetland National Nature Reserve. It shows that the total area of eight existing types of wetlands, such as alpine meadow is 3 227.11 hm^2 in the nature reserve. Now, wetland protection faces such threats: water over-exploitation, overgrazing, reclamation of wasteland and so on. So, it needs to take some useful methods to protect the wetlands. Based on the survey and alanasis, we came up with some measures to protect wetlands in Dashanbao, for instance, improving the compensation mechanism, strengthing the management of wetland resources to guarantee rational development and utilization, exploring a new coordinated growth model of population and agricultural, Enhancing the public wetland conservation awareness, and other ways.%湿地调查是对湿地资源实施有效保护的重要前提。以地理信息技术为技术平台,开展大山包黑颈鹤国家自然保护区湿地调查,结果表明:保护区现存高山草甸等8种湿地类型,湿地总面积为3227.11hm^2;目前湿地保护主要面临水资源过度开发、过度放牧和复垦开荒等威胁,需要通过完善补偿机制、加强湿地资源管理与合理开发利用、探索人口与农业发展新模式及提升民众湿地保护意识等途径来加以保护。



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