首页> 中文期刊>青年与社会·中外教育研究 >浅论古田会议精神对大学生思想政治教育的启示




《古田会议决议》着重强调从思想上建党建军,对我党我军的建设提供了理论上的指导,是我党我军思想政治工作史上的一个重要的里程碑。古田会议距今已有八十多年的历史,但是古田会议精神对今天各个方面的影响依然存在,大学生思想政治教育就是其中之一。大学生作为社会的一个特殊群体,其思想政治教育工作近几年来备受重视。党的十六大和十七大都对思想政治工作有所关注。在当代这样一个竞争激烈、变化多样复杂、经济高度发展的社会,如何正确把握大学生思想政治教育的方向,古田会议精神所包含的解决问题从思想上入手,坚持用马克思主义的理论为指导、实事求是、以人为本、把握时代特征不断创新以及坚持民主的原则等无疑对当代大学生思想政治教育有着重要的启示作用。%The Gutian Congress Resolution emphasizes on party and arm building in the inwardly, which provided guides in the theory for our party and arm building. It is a significant milestone in our party and arm's ideological and political working history. Although there were more than eighty years from Gutian Meeting's holding to now, the effect of Gutian meeting's spirit is still existent, one of the effect i,s to the ideological and political education of the college students. College students are a special group, and the ideological and political education of them gains particular attention in recent years. Both the Sixteenth CPC National Congress and the Seventh are paid more attention on ideological and political work. Nowadays in the society that filled with a competitive, diverse, complex of the high development of the economic, the spirits of Gutian Meting, which contains solving problems from the thought of Marxism, sticking with the theory as the guide, seeking truth from facts, caring people first, grasping the time feature constant innovation and adhering to the principles of democracy, gives enlightenment effects on how to correctly grasp the direction of the college students' ideological and political education.



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