首页> 中文期刊>殷都学刊 >《尚书·西伯戡黎》“我生不有命在天”新诠




"Wo Sheng Bu You Ming Zai Tian" is generally interpreted as Shang Zhouwang' superstition to Tianming(天命).But this interpretation is not accurate.In the field of religion,the people of Shang dynasty believed in god,while the people of Zhou believed in heaven.In the late period of Zhou dynasty,with the fight in the political and military areas,Shang and Zhou also have the conflict in the field of religion.So the correct interpretation of "Wo Sheng Bu You Ming Zai Tian"is,"Didn't I get god's protection?" The implication is that god protected people of Shang,not the people of Zhou.So Zhou(纣) doubted that if heaven leave him alone,who was Lord of all nations.%人们通常将"我生不有命在天"理解为商纣王对"天命"的迷信,但是这一理解并不准确。在宗教信仰领域,商人信仰"帝"、"上帝","天"、"天命"是周人的信仰。殷商末年,伴随着政治、军事领域的斗争,商周在宗教信仰领域也展开了斗争。因此"我生不有命在天"的正确诠解应为:"难道我得不到上天的护佑吗?"言外之意即是:帝作为商人的神灵护佑着殷人,但是周人却以天的名义来灭商,因此纣要疑问难道我作为万民之主只有帝护佑着我而上天却置我于不顾吗?



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