首页> 中文期刊>扬州大学烹饪学报 >中国六世纪之特色复合调料:“八和銮”——《齐民要术》“八和銮”之文化解读




《齐民要术》卷八中记载的“八和盎”,是由八种不同风味的原料调制而成的辛香味型复合调料,是专门用来佐食“脍”肴的佳品。我国古代美味“銮”有多种,各有风味特色。《齐民要术》关于“八和盎”的记载,弥补了历史文献无“金銮”描述的缺憾,也创立了记录菜肴制作工艺的典范,保留了失传的《食经》中的珍贵资料,具有重要的历史文化价值。%Baheji, which is captured in Qi Min Yao Shu or Important Arts for the People' s Welfare, an ancient Chinese book on agriculture, is a compound seasoning produced by mixing 8 different ingredients. It is exclusively used to enhance the flavor of food. There are a variety of Ji in the ancient China, each featuring a unique flavor. The description of Baheji by Qi Min Yao Shu fills the relevant gap in the historic literature of food. Besides, it also sets a model in recording the art of preparing food and preserves the valuable material from Shijing, a legendary masterpiece on food culture. Therefore, the chapter of Baheji is of remarkable his- torical value.



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