首页> 中文期刊> 《城市交通》 >城市职住平衡的影响因素及改善对策




By analyzing influential factors on job-housing balance, this paper discusses the policies and planning procedures for promoting job-housing balance in large cities from several aspects: urban develop-ment policy, land use policy, transportation system development, resi-dents’income, industry development, and etc. Focusing on the policies and planning procedures for promoting job-housing balance, the paper points out that urban development policy is essential to job-housing bal-ance adjustment. It also stresses the importance of urban development policy on job-housing balance and corresponding urban and transporta-tion planning adjustments due to the dynamic nature of job-housing bal-ance. The comprehensive plans on job-housing balance and reasonable travel distance in large cities through providing appropriate service facili-ties within urban activity zones are proposed. Finally, the paper points out urban planners should have flexibility in developing urban growth plans to achieve job-housing balance while emphasizing the importance of urban activity zoning system under different development stage and policy.%从城市职住平衡的影响因素出发,以城市发展政策、土地开发政策、交通系统发展、居民收入与产业发展等视角探讨大城市职住平衡形成的政策与规划因素。然后,从政策和规划两个层面思考促进城市职住平衡实现的途径。指出调整城市发展政策是调整职住平衡的根本,而职住平衡是一个动态过程,必须研究政策对职住平衡发展过程的影响。强调通过大城市活动组织分区来控制出行距离,在这些分区内城市服务配置相对完善、就业与居住平衡。最后指出,在把握职住平衡形成规律的基础上应充分考虑弹性,在城市空间规划与交通规划中坚持城市活动分区组织,同时将发展时序与政策有效结合。



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