首页> 中文期刊>城市规划学刊 >宫殿主导还是宗庙主导——三代、秦、汉都城庙、宫布局研究




通过考证指出,西周及其以前都城布局均应以宗庙为中心,君王的正式宫殿从属于宗庙.随着对当世君王权威的认同程度提升,在建造城内或近城离宫的基础上,春秋以后逐步形成了延续使用到西汉的在庙堂区西(或西南)设置正式宫殿区的宫庙并重的格局.《考工记》营国制度所述之王宫居中的做法并非周制,但却因其自身特质和历史机缘,在中国城建史上造成了特殊的影响.%This paper studies the layout of Chinese ancient capitals including that of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It is found that initially the king 's official palaces were subordinate to the ancestral temples. As the authority of the Kings rose, palaces built in the west (or southwest) part of the capitals on the basis of earlier para-palaces was gradually gaining prominence. This kind of practice was maintained from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Western Han Dynasty. According to the records found in Tie Artificers' Record in the Ritual of Zhou, palaces placed in the middle was not part of the social institutions in the Zhou Dynasty. However, due to their physical characteristics and historical contingency, they later exerted a great influence on the form of China's urban construction.



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