首页> 中文期刊>城市观察 >广东省新兴产业园区的土地集约化利用比较研究——基于增城汽车产业核心区与河源高新区的调查分析




改革开放30余年的发展使广东省形成了以珠三角地区为核心、以东西两翼和北部山区为外围的核心一外围圈层格局,近年来广东省经济发展进入新的增长阶段,在核心和外围圈层表现出不同的特征。本文通过位于核心圈层的增城汽车核心产业区与位于外围圈层的河源高新区的比较,研究了两大圈层产业园区在土地集约化利用上的差别。研究表明:核心圈层产业园区在产业结构上表现出大型企业主导的专业化发展特征,外围圈层产业园区则表现出中小型企业主导的多样化发展特征;核心圈层产业园区的经济增长模式表现出重大项目带动的特征,外围圈层产业园区则表现出基础设施驱动的特征;核心圈层的产业园区土地开发效益表现出高投入高产出高回报的特点,外围圈层的产业园区则表现出低投入低产出低回报的特点;最后,文章在两者的比较研究基础上提出了广东省新兴产业园区发展的几点建议。%Core-periphery economic spatial structure has been formed in Guangdong Prov- ince during the past 30 years. Both in core and periphery areas indicate new characteristics. This paper is based on the investigation of Zengcheng Automobile Industrial Park (ZAIP) and Heyuan Hi-Tech Development Zone (HHTDZ). It studies the land use intensity of these new industrial parks in different areas. The conclusions include: the land use intensity pattern of industrial parks is decided by industrial structure and economic growth pattern; land use intensity pattern of parks in core area indicates high investment, high output and high efficiency; while parks in periphery area indicate low investment, low output and low efficiency. At the end of this paper there are several suggestions for new industrial parks in Guangdong Province.



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