首页> 中文期刊>隧道建设 >泥水盾构穿越赣江断裂破碎带施工关键技术




In order to study the construction technology of slurry shield crossing fractured zone under complex geological conditions,based on the tunnel project from Qiushui Square Station to Zhongshanxilu Station on Line No. 1 of Nanchang Metro,the construction difficulties are analyzed for NFM-07 slurry shield crossing underneath Ganjiang River at fracture F5. The stability construction technology through the fractured zone under high water pressure is studied in terms of excavation control, slagging amount and slurry quality control, synchronous grouting and secondary grouting. By analyzing the construction records,the recommended parameters of boring, slurry, synchronous grouting and secondary grouting are obtained;and some countermeasures are put forward for potential construction risks. The slurry shield has been successfully passed through the fractured zone,and good stability control effect has been achieved.%为研究复杂地质条件下泥水盾构穿越断裂破碎带施工技术,以南昌市轨道交通1号线秋水广场站—中山西路站区间隧道工程为背景,对NFM-07泥水盾构穿越赣江F5断裂破碎带施工难点进行分析,从掘进开挖控制、出碴量与泥水质量控制、同步注浆和二次注浆4个方面研究高水压条件下破碎带开挖面稳定施工技术,并通过对施工记录资料的统计分析,得到泥水盾构掘进参数、泥水参数、同步注浆和二次注浆参数建议值,最后针对穿越破碎带可能出现的施工风险提出建议措施.本工程泥水盾构穿越破碎带施工过程安全、顺利,采取的稳定控制技术实施效果良好.



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