首页> 中文期刊>隧道建设 >黄土高原地区隧道开挖对邻近既有隧道稳定性影响研究




为研究新建隧道开挖对邻近既有隧道稳定性的影响,依托山西太原黄土高原地区邻近既有隧道施工的新建铁路隧道工程,采用经验评估法和三维数值模拟分析方法分析新建隧道开挖对临近既有隧道稳定性的影响.结果表明:当新建隧道位于既有隧道限制范围内时,新建隧道与既有隧道的距离越小,对既有隧道的变形影响越大;当新建隧道位于既有隧道需要注意范围内时,新建隧道开挖对既有隧道轴线中间位置的扰动最大.%The influence of excavation of newly built loess tunnel in plateau area in Taiyuan, Shanxi on stability of existing adjacent tunnel is analyzed by empirical evalution method and 3D numerical simulation method. The analytical results show that: 1)The influence of loess tunnel excavation on deformation of existing tunnel increases with the distance between two tunnels decreasing when the newly built tunnel is located in the limit domain of the existing tunnel. 2)The influence of loess tunnel excavation on middle of axial line of the existing tunnel is the biggest when then newly built tunnel is located in the attention domain of the existing tunnel.



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